Is MSFS a game?

MSFS is an entertainment package developed by Asobo Studio for Microsoft Xbox Studios. It’s not FAA Approved for Flight Instruction. Yes, it’s a game. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the game as a simulation.


I dare say this’ll open a can of worms… :rofl:

By definition it’s undoubtedly a game — but a niche, very realistic game that happens to faithfully recreate/simulate powered flight.


It’s all about how you use it.
MSFS is a game, xplane is a game, p3d is a game.

only difference is, you’re legally not allowed to be entertained by p3d :wink:


It’s not a game! :wink:


Its a game. No matter how hard I tried my chair would not leave the ground.


It’s a simugame, or a gamulator… whichever works for you. One size fits all.


Ha, perfect response. :slight_smile:
I use it as both.


Topic for conversation:

Why are some people so concerned about labels? What difference does it make if you call it a “game” or a “simulator” or something else entirely?

The Microsoft Flight Simulator franchise is and always has been entertainment software. Using it can definitely be educational, and some people like MSFS because it allows them to learn more about aviation and even to assist with real-world pilot training (from ab initio pre-solo student pilots up to and including high hour airline pilots who use it to practice type rating training at home), but that’s certainly not the only way one can enjoy virtual flight.

It’s up to each individual to determine how realistically they want to fly. Some people like their experience in MSFS to be as close to reality as possible. They choose to fly with all assists disabled, all difficulty options set to Hard/Realistic, and they follow all real-world procedures, air regulations, and airspace restrictions. Other people want a more chill/relaxing experience and just want to explore the planet and enjoy the Earth’s beautiful scenery from the air. Others find enjoyment in flying supersonic in an F/A-18 Super Hornet and navigating at high speed through canyons or piloting a Pitts Special under Tower Bridge or through the Arc de Triomphe. All are valid ways to enjoy MSFS.


It seems to turn some people here hostile when the label “game” is mentioned. It’s a label that causes Xbox users to be targeted for abuse by PC users. Maybe the forums should stop that type of playground behaviour. As long as labels “game”, “simulator”, and “etc” exist it will be easy to target certain demographics and some people will feel excluded to take part in this forums or this game/simulator/etc because of the targeting.


If you don’t like labels, why are you so concerned that it should be regarded as a game?

The difference is purely semantics. I’ve not seen any evidence of people being put off one way or the other.

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In the development updates releases of 3rd party aircraft that target demographics of people who want to have fun seems again to suffer from the targeted abuse by some people who expected “study level” aircraft and don’t want it ruined by basic model aircraft. It’s sad to see. The behaviour doesn’t seem go away if certain standard is not met.

It is both. Just depends on what the user is doing with it. You can simulate or play. You do you. The program can handle either.


It should be clarified to stop hostility behaviour which Seedy wrote. We can move on and discuss important topics.

If you ever see hostility or abuse on the forums, please use the Report function to flag the post and bring it to the attention of our moderation team. The Code of Conduct is very clear about this, and we treat these reports very seriously.

  • The Skies are Open for All - Everyone is welcome to Microsoft Flight Simulator regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, or creed.
  • One World, One Community - No matter how you play – regardless of platform, experience level, or reason – we are one community of aviation lovers.
  • A Pilot is a Pilot - Treat everyone in the community with respect, and seek to have positive experiences with your fellow pilots.



Not to move away from the topic - the Boeing 707 as Famous Flyer 10! - Discussion Hub / Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums topic does contain valid criticism but some people do seem to rip the developer AH apart to feel good. There seems to be a grey area here that as long as the post isn’t too nasty it will not be taken down even if the post itself can be interpreted as a little form of targeted harassment toward a developer or etc. The aircraft hasn’t been released and AH is harassed and that not good for developer mental health or doesn’t create good discussion topics.


Here’s a solution: it’s a gamulation! There now everyone can be happy :smiling_face:


I’m glad you said this. I kind of appreciate the flexibility.

If I want to just hop in a simple thing that’s as slow as a turtle I can putter along at 80 kts and be happy. If I want to simulate commercial ops, I can do that in great detail and be happy. If I want to zoom around in a fighter jet because they’re fast and loud, I can do that too.

It’s a game that offers a little something for everyone. I like that I don’t have to take it super seriously every time I boot it up.

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i dont know what it is, that would be up to the people who make it to decide, i’ll tell you what i see though:

  • the name has the word simulator in it
  • the origins and history of it, are those of a simulator, not a game
  • there was never any kind of points, levels or score system in it, like a game would have (i can’t speak for acceleration, i never used it)
  • the trailer for 2020 focused on the flying, there was little, if any, reference to missions and challenges
  • the trailer for 2024 is pretty much all about missions and challenges

i dont think people complain about it being a game, its about the direction the developers are taking it. At the time of writing it looks like missions will be the central part of 2024. With so much room for improvement and so many things that dont work right in 2020, learning that 2024 will be all about missions… well, i can understand that it may be a bit dissapointing to some of us here. Some people seem to take offense if this is expressed. I believe they (we) have a point, and, above that, have every right to express the feeling here as long as it is with respect.

since brought to my attention that there was indeed some manner of points system in early versions, possibly others as well


So you thought you’d put your proverbial stick in the hornets’ nest and give it a good old wiggle?

All’s good, as I’ve got plenty of popcorn. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No, not enragement. Asking a question in a way to stop hostility.