Is PMDG 737-600 (in Marketplace for 34,99€) a standalone product?

Wether in Marketplace nor at their hp i could found an information that you need anything else.

So if i buy it for the price as mentioned in topic i can use it? I am confused since i thought there is a basic plane and this just an addon.

Standalone, just cheaper, yes. It’sa fully detailed planes just like the other variants.


Yes it is standalone. You can buy it whiteout buying any other 737 product if you want.
also there is only one variant in this package unlike the others that in part why it’s a lot cheaper.

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Yes you can use it, it’s completely stand alone i have it myself.
Happy flying

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OK then i put it to my wishlist. THX to all.

Passenger, no cargo version

Bought it yesterday. Wow, just wow. It’s awesome. You can still use the operations center to import freeware livery on a PC. I waited for the marketplace version cuz I may want to run it in Xbox in the future. $35 well spent.

I believe you but with the ongoing ATC bugs for now two years without a solution i stop now every invest for msfs. At first they should fix this bug in my opinion.


MSFS doesn’t own PMDG and ATC was buggy in other sims,y’all feel so entitled I would also grab it on the PMDG store for faster updates and better support

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I know but since the atc is so buggy its of no reason to buy third party software. Actually i am not sur if i go on with msfs. The ATC bug is extremely annoying an that is euphemism.

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They are third party atc or vatsim,2 great options

Actually i was waiting for BeyondATC. Release should be 2023 and its very promising. But the fact that Asobo dont fix an extreme problematic bug for two years makes me pensive. And now they probably just focus on msfs2024.

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I’m not so sure about that. There is an update button on op center and it’s not for updating the op center. Im new to it but I believe you can update the plane through it. I may be wrong or as Billy Joel would say, I may be crazy.

You can update your -600 through the op-centre. Enjoy flying the baby-Boeing. :slight_smile:

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Thanks and I just posted the question in the PMDG pc version thread. You beat me. It is a sweet bird. Looking forward to learning it.

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YES IT IS! :slight_smile:

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And you should definitely update your new baby with this awesome cockpit overhaul here I have just accidentally found on :slight_smile:

And don´t forget to feed it kerosene every two hours.


Interesting. Thanks