Is the Asobo 787 flyable yet

I now tested the 787 (vanilla) on PC and it works well enough for me.
I just don’t want to fly complicated approach patterns with it, as that is something where the Autopilot messed up on Xbox.

I don’t use the FMC though…I enter the flightplan with approach patterns on the worldmap and then use the Autopilot and controls in the plane.

Obviously this is no study level aircraft but it’s flying from A to B and does approaches and all.

I only do flights with it that are like 350 miles or less, however, to not enter the flight length where bugs can occur.

No issues here. Chasing the sunrise while coming from Boston and crossing the pond to Heathrow.

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Just flown from London to Cape Town in it, with hardly a problem, and I’m no expert.

Got into a bit of a muddle with the AP, which I got sorted, but that’s my fault, not the plane’s.

Oh, and I buttered the landing, something I’ve always struggled with in the heavies. I’m getting there.


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