Is the Asobo 787 flyable yet

Great tips, many thanks!

I bought early too. If I knew, I would bought the regular version and wait for QualityWings 787. Looking forward also to PMDG 737 and 777.


I can’t wait for PMDG to show up on the scene. As much as I appreciate the FBW, I’m a 737 guy through and through and miss the 777 for long hauls. The alternative we have now don’t do it for me one bit.


Its just such utterly unbelievable that they would do such a thing. This is NOT a Boeing airplane anymore. Come on Masobo, really.

Like a silly naïve goat I went and bought the Premium Deluxe as the Dreamliner is my fav big twin.

What a fool I was, it is so disappointing and as others have pointed out they have copy-pasted Airbus FBW behavior on the Dreamliner. Blasphemy :angry:

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Yes, I agree. I am a Boeing fan too.

This is SUPER ANNOYING, and it is present in the 747 as well, dude like wtf is this issue and why hasn’t it been solved already?

This is the main thing preventing me from using the 747, I hate it lol

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I find the 787 enjoyable to fly, but I’m not into super realistic or study level procedures. For getting from point A to B and nothing too complex I think it’s great. But that’s just my opinion.

oh,can u find the ACTIVE TOGA selection when want to set it to a button ? OR u dont even used it for normal take off ?

TOGA thrust unfortunately doesn’t work with the MSFS 787 (at least not on ground)

It does actually - just throttle up to 30-40 percent and hit the toga button on the throttle body - not sure if a keybinding will work but sure does if you hit the actual button.

Did this work prior to the latest update as well?
I have only checked if it still flies like an Airbus which is unfortunately the case.

Has worked since at least wu5 … dosen’t seem to fly as much like an airbus … but it does still kind of feel a bit airbussy.

You can’t trim the 787 and the nose moves in the opposite direction than it should with speed changes due to the Airbus like flightpath stability =100% wrong = 100% Airbus.

Weird thing with TOGA and it doesn’t make sense if you have to advance the thrust levers before it kicks in. I’ll test that ASAP.

TOGA works without the thrust up - I just advance to ensure engine stability/straightness on runway. I do see what you mean about the trims/flightpath stability though.

Strange, just tested. Doesn’t work. Neither with the TOGA command nor the thrust lever button.
Only a CTD…

Literally just recorded this …

Just reinstalled the 787 and it’s partially working now.
The TOGA keyboard command isn’t working, only the clickspot.
When A/T is active in TOGA there’s no associated thrust indication on the PFD. It stays blank.

Nice! Glad its working at least a little bit for ya.

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Flew it from Kuwait City to Venice earlier. Easy flight. It works fine.