Someone please tell me the Patagonia bush trip is not bugged. After completing the Balkans Bush Trip and the achievement not popping im a little worried that all this time im spending wont be rewarded. Even the hours wont log…
Thank you.
Someone please tell me the Patagonia bush trip is not bugged. After completing the Balkans Bush Trip and the achievement not popping im a little worried that all this time im spending wont be rewarded. Even the hours wont log…
Thank you.
I re flew that one last week with no issues. Are all the legs showing completed and the main bush trip shows 100%?
After completing any bush trip, exit back to main screen, then return to the bush trip section and look for it at 100%.
Completing the last leg and then going back to the bush trip menu doesn’t show 100. It needs to refresh/update with cloud on that section.
Also make sure your logged into your xbox account. Sometimes logging out and back in will fix some syncing issues.
So if i didnt exit to main menu im screwed? Or is this a fix?
do i need to re fly the last leg of the bush trip, exit to main menu, then go back into the bush trip showing 100 percent?
No, not screwed at all. It just won’t show 100 until you leave the main bush trip menu and then return.
well i have defiantly done that, but the achievement has not popped for Balkans Yet. It does show 100 percent.
See this, it’s been tagged bug logged, so there is an issue and has been added to the fix list.