Is the Saitek X52 good?

Have a great day!

My Joystick Madcatz F.L.Y.5 has given up the ghost, the thrust lever is only wobbling around like crazy (or better the signals this controller gives to the computer make the thrust go up and down the whole time) but what´s even worse: The pedals (when rotating the stick to the left or right) are also wobbling around like crazy, even when the joystick is fully centered - and this makes especially smaller planes almost unflyable, and ends many starts or landings in a bad way.

I would like to buy the Logitech X52 because it looks absolute techy and modern and beautyful, and it reminds me of my beloved DCS F16 and F-18 with the green illumination.
This evening an auction on eBay ends with probably a good price, and that´s why I wanted to ask if this joystick with throttle quadrant is good for the Flight Sim :slight_smile:

My questions are:

Is the centering spring very stiff, and can the stiffness be reduced? I like the joystick very easygoing and almost without resistance against my movements.

Is the throttle quadrant good and very precise and not turning the thrust up and down like crazy with no precision at all?
I need a hyper-precise throttle quadrant to especially fly the CRJ700 which has no auto-thrust, and therefore N1 must be able to be set to the number. When I need for example 57% N2 with almost empty tanks and full flaps extended while landing there must be continuous 57% N1, and not the next second 67% one second later 70 the next second going down to 50 and so on, like my damaged MadCatz F.L.Y.5 currently does…

This joystick/throttle quadrant looks like a nice christmas gift for me (well a graphics card would be an even better one!), and have a wonderful day :slight_smile:

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Your image looks like the X52-Pro. I have just the regular X52. I’ve been using it for over six years and really like it.
The centering spring isn’t very stiff and doesn’t try to fight your movements.
I use mine with a set of Saitek rudder pedals, due to the Z Axis spiking a little bit.

Moved to #self-service:peripherals for further advice.

I use the X52-pro for about one year and a half. But I would not call the throttle Quadrant “hyper-precise”. However, you can adjust the resistance needed to move the throttle. As @CooganBear said the centering spring isn’t too stiff. Overall I like it much. But I also use mine with extra rudder pedals.

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The best place to ask this question is r/hotas

You will get a lot of opinions but mixed amongst those will be a lot of truth, experience and good advice.

If you are fully invested in flight simulation and you see the value in spending a little more on quality kit that is well designed and uses quality components but which will last you a lifetime then I would certainly recommend investing more in your peripherals and look to Virpil / VKB / WinWing

I have the X36 and the X56. They are both decent HOTAS and both still work perfectly despite their age. I also tried out the X52 from a friend and would say it’s similar to the older X36 but has more functions. The X56 feels a bit more rugged, as two throttles and you can change the spring for the joystick or remove it for helicopters so I prefer it over the X52.
I would always recommend pedals because the twist action is rather imprecise.

Older X52 and pretty happy with it…one good thing is you can lock the twist rudder so it doesn’t fight with your pedals :slight_smile:

I use x52 PRO, it’s very good

Well with good YouTube videos I have studied the Airbus TCA with it´s hall sensors, the Saitek X52, X55 and X56 and the HOTAS Warthog, and it is obvious that all three of the Saitek joysticks are literally the same build internal and also have the same center spring in the middle of the joystick as bad and too stiff mechanical solution to center the stick.

From a technical point of view all these Saiteks are literally the same as my 30€ MadCatz F.L.Y.5 - but just with insane price tags.
All of them also use these annoying fake-switches that always re-center, and not real switches that stay in the switched up or down position (like for example the overhead panel landing light switches, or the switches in a real F-16.). This breaks the immersion.
Only the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS uses real switches.

Anly the Thrustmaster Warthog looks different and has no (visible) centering spring and is therefore from a mechanical point of view not the next MadCatz / Saitek / Logitech rebranding copy-paste technology with the same stiff and annoying centering-spring feeling when moving the stick, that´s why it would be interesting to have a closer look at the prices and auctions of the Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog and the Airbus TCA Sidestick. :slight_smile:

The Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog was down to 350€ in November when buying brandnew, but has gotten more expensive in December, I will have a look during the next weeks how much it´s prices are in auctions on sale :slight_smile:

Normally prices go down after Christmas

I still have my X52 and no plans to retire it. I’ve had it a number of years and not one single issue or failure. That compares to the worn Z axis on my brand new TCA Sidestick 3 months after purchase. The Stick is not as precise feeling but it is the best way for me to have a HOTAS setup for DCS.

I think I have found the PERFECT solution for me!
What I always wanted is a joystick that feels like I am moving some kind of oil dampeners, and not a wobbling and rattling piece of plastic with a too stiff spring coil.

The Gladiator joystick feels perfect, look how smooth this joystick moves, and it is not jumping back because of the cheap centerspring-solution but it seems to be dampened:

A very good joystick, this one will become my next joystick. It looks like nothing, no fancy LED no cool fighter jet ghostly green illumniation no Navy or Air Force inspired designs printed on it, but it surely feels perfect and super smooooooooooooooooooooooooth and ultraprecise when flying :slight_smile:


It’s hard to beat the VKB Gladiator NXT for the price. The grip has enough buttons that more often than not you won’t be able to think of enough things to bind to every button. They do use a very heavy dampening grease to achieve the dampening. Some people (mostly those that play fast paced space sims) don’t like that much dampening but it’s great for flying planes.

You do miss out on having a separate throttle. Although VKB does sell several add on modules for the NXT that add some axis levers and buttons.
They can be used stand alone or physically and electrically attached to the Gladiator.
The main downside to them is they are fairly complicated to put together and set up, not recommended if you’re the type that just wants to take it out the box and plug it in.
They don’t come with instructions but VKB have a bunch of videos on Youtube that detail how to set them up.

And one day in the far future VKB will release their combat jet inspired throttle unit the TECS

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There’s an annoying detent on the X 52 pro Throttle which will eventually fail. Removing the Nylon actuator is an easy Fix.

Then you will have a silky smooth Throttle whose tension is still adjustable.

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I have had the X52 Pro for well over 10 years and it is still going strong.

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Apart from a bit of peeling on the Throttle Handle coating and the Detent Doodad removal we’ve had no issues since purchsed 8 years past.

Well my X52 Pro was delivered yesterday, and it is absolutely GREAT! What a positive surprise.
It feels awesome and is beautyfully illuminated.

The most important thing: It looks like almost directly coming from the cockpit of my favorite all-time plane, the F-16 Fighting Falcon (I don´t know who called it “Viper” some day, but looks like the F-16 is nowadays called a Viper. In my time it was a Fighting Falcon… :smiley: ).

The second important thing: It is illuminated. Some people call it a “toy” because it has LEDs, but because I always game in a absolute pitch-black environment, I need everything illuminated: Keyboard, Mouse, Controller, Joystick, everything.
The display shows what configuration profile is currently loaded:

What I dislike is the fact that this safety switch that can be opened and closed and covers a fire switch, cannot be bound as a button! This would have been a remarkable immersive button for arming or shutting off the master arm switch:

The most important aspect of a Joystick: How does it feel like?
It feels absolutely awesome. It is very soft with not much resistance just as I like it, because I don´t want to go to a wrist-workout with ultra stiff coils constantly wrestling against my hand, but a soft and smooth joystick with almost no resistance at all.
And the HOTAS X52 Pro does this with absolute perfection! It has a two-spring system with almost no resistance around the center but with a resistance going stronger when making bigger movements. Absolute perfection!

Another important factor: It has a two-stage trigger!
And NOOOOOOOOO I don´t want some 500€ HOTAS with some cheap pistol-trigger shaped plastic one-stage-trigger telling me “well just press another button at the same time or make some combo or whatever immersion-breaking work-around” because missiles and also the Vulcan are fired with a two stage trigger.
And the X52 has even TWO triggers made of quality metal, with the upper one being a two-stage trigger. It cannot get any more perfect!

Firing the Vulcan feels so much better with a two-stage trigger, but I could not test any missile launches because AMRAAMs or Sidewinder need some kind of lock-on and I almost never fly in combat scenarios. These were test flights.

The throttle feels awesome and does not jump or wiggle around like crazy like with my old joystick. What I especially like is the fact that like in an Airbus cockpit the position of the throttle is illuminated, and it lights up red when the afterburner detent kicks in and the afterburner shuts on.

The throttle lever itself has a little bit too much resistance even with the Force screw fully loosen, but it still feels great and never before was I able to control the airspeed so precise and easygoing.

The first negative aspect is the displays background lighting. It flickers when the brightness is reduced, and sometimes it is getting dark when some buttons on the joystick are pressed. But I have read that almost all X52 do this so this is… so hmm… I am not going to send it back because the next X52 would probably be completely the same.

The second negative aspect is that the Joystick is not packed in styrofoam but in some stiff cardboard box material. This can lead to scratches on the plastic surface or even small dents in the thin aluminium adornments placed all over throttle quadrant and joystick when pushing against the hard edges of the cardboard. I got this joystick for 130€ but normally it costs 200-300, and when buying something THIS expensive I want an adequate packaging in styrofoam and not having ultra expensive stuff placed in a material like egg carton.

The third negative aspect are the cables. These are too short. But at least for the USB cable a cheap extension cable can be bought :slight_smile:

Without this annoying flickering problems with the display illumination, or the display illumination even sometimes shutting off or going full bright for no reason during the flight, with proper packaging in soft and protecting styrofoam and with a little bit less resistance on the thrust lever, it would have been a 10/10. So I would give the X-52 HOTAS Professional a 7/10 and I would recommend it because it feels absolutely great when flying.

Hi guys, bought the X52 (the regular and not the pro version). The stick is too loose/sensitive. Is there anyway to dampen the movement of the stick?

I’m ok with the throttle. Just the stick requires very nimble movements and I’m not used to that.

Hmmm looks like a problem has occured with the X52.

When moving the stick slightly to the left (only a few millimeters) the X axis makes full rudder movement.
This happens most of the time but not always, so it seems to be a mechanical problem or one with the sensor…

I too have a problem with Left rudder “flutter”. While it doesn’t impair function it does indicate a mechanical short-coming. I also have a problem with Logitech’s lack of support. They bought this piece of Chinessium from Seitech strictly for profit, not for the general public. If there was a comparable product on the market at the same price range I’d be there!