Hi again.
I can see that you have managed to join Plan-G as showing your name as a new member.
here is the link to the new V.4.238 download . I am still using v.4.235 and happy with it as presently I do not use Navi graph.
If you are a registered member now , you can always post any question on the forum and will get very good help from Tim Arnot.
My apology to the original poster of this thread, I had to reply to the member request
No problem at all. My question was already answered.
Buongiorno, mi piacerebbe provare la mappa VFR FSPM, mi aiuti a installarla? Dove la trovo?
I posted a link to the map already. FSPM VFR Map • Flight Simulator 2020
Just download it and put it in the community folder. It will work.
Dove trovo la cartella della community? Scusa ma sono nuovo di fs2020
Hi DaffodilTag7957,
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Type “community” in file search and pick one that is inside another folder named “packages”. So basically packages/community. And then you put any mod you want inside the community folder. That is the easiest way from my experience. Do you have Microsoft Store version or Steam?
Hi, Tim sent me a Link to download the Program. I did … I also downloaded the additional Developer file it said was required. My MSFS is on a separate SSD Drive. I downloaded Plan -G to my C drive and extracted both files. The program opened for about 15 seconds and then closed. Do I have to add the downloaded files to my MSFS COMMUNITY Folder in order for it to work, or is Plan-G a Freestanding Program and should be abled to open from my C Drive ?
Hi. Plan-G is a free standing program and you should be able to open it from your C Drive as is in my case setup. you do not put it in the community folder.
Make sure you installed the 32 bit file. Dot Net Core (x86) . , not the 64 bit file.
Post your enquires on Plan-G forum, you will find Tim Arnot very helpful and will not require you to donate any contributions . Only discretional and if very happy after long trials and happy use.
Hi. make sure you build the MSFS Database after clicking the Data section of the open menu of Plan-G
Looks great but when I open it I get this- just a tiny part of it in the upper right corner and I cannot use it. What is wrong? (It’s in my community folder as instructed).
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You do not put it in the community folder. make sure you delete it from the community folder.
Sorry Roadspider , I realised I made the wrong answer to the wrong person. So please forget my opening statement here as it was meant for users of Plan-G only.
No way to expand the window?? Strange, I never had this issue.
You did not put the zip file there right? You first unzipped it?
Deleted it from the Community Folder and re-downloaded and unzipped to my desktop. Now where do I put this folder? There is no .exe file inside it so how do I use it outside of MSFS?
Figured it out. For some reason, the first time I installed it, it opened as a tiny square in the corner and I could not expand it. Now, putting it into the community folder again, it is able to be expanded. Thanks for the link! Just what I needed.
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Still No Luck I downloaded it and extracted the Plan-G folder .
#1 What do you use to Open the Program ? Tim said there is Not an Instillation File. ??
#2 When I click on the Icon file ( Plan-G , Application , 260KB) in he folder it Opens for only about
10secondsto the Waypoint screen and then closes ?
#3 Is the Dot Net Core v 3.1 necessary? and where do you file it ?
I’m pretty sure I,ve gone thru this process and still it only Opens for a few seconds. I also have my MSFS program open and still no success. Could it be a Bug in this Alpha ?
Hi Steve.
Tim Arnot posted the latest new version of quick installation of Plan-G V.4. On the Forum only late Yesterday. So you better read it.
yes, you open the program by clicking the Pan-G Application icon.
If you are running Plan-G on the same monitor as MSFS you should be in window mode not full screen mode.
I f you installed your MSFS DATA you should make sure to click on the display MSFS DATA icon afterward.
Dot NET Core V 3.1 is necessary and install to your Local Disc C/ programs files (x86)
It seems as if the link you sent me is not working As a member of the Forum, where can I find the latest version of Quick Installation of Plan-G V.4.? I don’t see it on the Forum ?
Try this one.
Quick Start (updated 23/02/21) (tasoftware.co.uk)
Both links are working. after clicking on it to download it go to your download folder to open it and also to save it on your desk top.
navigating on the forum to the alpha version of V.4 of Plan-G is a bit tricky, you must be logged in and find a very small link at the bottom end of the forum , TA software…and click on it .
Good luck and best wishes.