I’m having a real hard time keeping centre line since SU10 no matter where I fly from planes are pulling to one side and it’s a constant fight to keep it straight unless I select manual weather/no wind and wether I use a military jet or small prop makes no difference something seems to be very different since last week…
Rudder settings are fine all checked nothing has been changed.
It’s definitely harder for me to stay on centerline, but I’m glad about that. I’m generally able to do it though, albeit I might have to do a bit more crabbing here and there than I did in SU9 (which makes sense since SU9 wind was highly unrealistic)
Same here, but manageable. Diggin the pedal a bit harder and pushing min speed takeoffs. Probably scraped a tip r 2 but managed to get her home. I too like the challenge.
“spot on” - this got to be sarcasm. The wind on the ground is completely unrealistic. I prefer to fly with custom weather without wind. It seems like the programmer of the wind never saw a cockpit from inside… Don´t bother with it. You are not doing anything wrong and cannot do anything about it. Wind is just broken
It must be very situational. I just flew a 172 from NC to GA a couple weeks ago IRL, and my experience with SU10 is quite literally spot on to that experience, even flew the same route. It seems to be a very “your mileage may very” situation, but in the southeast and California I’ve had nothing but perfect flights.
I can only assume at this point that there’s some issue that just doesn’t always manifest, or only manifests in some locations, because I’ve never seen a more polarizing issue in MSFS history than SU10 wind. I can only believe that it’s a real issue, I’m not cynical enough to gaslight everyone who’s saying it’s completely unrealistic despite having not experienced it myself (other than maybe in the Sting S4 which I swear just does not handle wind well at all compared to other planes.)
I am doing flight instruction a couple of times a month. Mainly on Cessna, Piper, Katana and always able to control the aircraft on the ground even with crosswind components up to 20 kts.
According to the sim´s Metar a crosswind of 20 kts (or do they mean m/s, it´s still unclear) even with full rudder applied will end up in the aircraft fence… In real life not much rudder is needed but a lot of aileron. Less aileron as speed increases.
Do you mean that as soon as you take off the plane tips to one side? If so I’m experiencing it too. I’ve only flown the Top Rudder Solo so far in SU10 as I’m just trying to sort my settings. But I had my brother and his son over the other day and showed them MSFS for the first time.
I put them in VR, in the Top Rudder Solo as its so easy to fly, but every time they took off, they just tipped over to the left and crashed. I thought they were just terrible but when I played it I noticed it does indeed lean hard to the left as soon I pull back forcing me to correct.
Tonight I’ve been testing my graphic and performance settings and using the Top Rudder as I don’t need to get into my cockpit but can just sit on my sofa with an xbox controller, but it is definitely tipping left as it pitches off the runway.
It’s fine up in the air. Very weird. I haven’t tried any other planes yet to see if they are doing it.
Definitely check if the sim update turned your flight model settings back to Legacy. This hasn’t happened in a while to my knowledge, but I think around SU9 it happened to some people and they had to switch it back to Modern.
I am refering only to ground physics. It happens when I have lined up and start the takeoff run. To counter adverse yaw in most aircraft right rudder is needed. In case of a strong crosswind the aileron needs to go into the wind and the rudder keeps the aircraft on centerline.
Yet in MSFS even a light crosswind of 10 kts causes the aircraft to become uncontrolable on the ground. For example I am full on the left or right rudder but the airplane still goes in the opposite direction. Applying toe brakes helps a little bit but causes severe overcorrections. This is why I fly without live weather.
Keeping a centerline always required atleast some rudder input for me in MSFS to keep from drifting a little right or left even in sub 2.5 knot winds before SU10.
Solution: I enabled legacy flight model and restarted the sim. Then I changed back to modern and restarted the sim. Voila!
Thanks for the hint Stardrifter2232!!!
Whatever the cause for that was I correct myself instead of blaming the sim the problem lay at my end! Just made a testflight and the crosswind behaviour is quite realistic! Finally…
In the PC12 I find myself just doing TRT, “Takeoff Rated Thrust“ while on the brakes.
Really don’t notice much torque, and I took off from Miami this morning and went to Cancun. So the wind was wild.
In other general aviation planes like the generic 152/172. I just really ease into power giving myself time to counter as power increases, and reminding myself to let off rudder before I’m off the ground or be prepared to add aileron.
I do spend a min thinking about the takeoff and what I’m going to encounter and need to do. Idk if the winds realistic but I enjoy it.
You forgot to supply your real-world flying credentials.
I’ll take professional pilot’s opinion and my own real flying experience (only 142 hours but still > 0) over a sim flyer any day. (going by your handle)
Especially when there are no details given so we can check a particular circumstance ourselves.
I’ve not had any issues landing or taking off light aircraft in MSFS with the current wind model so far. In my own aircraft (a two seater) I sometimes had to fight to stay near the moddle in some conditions just like I do in the sim.
The only real difference for me so far is we don’t feel the feedback forces in the sim so that makes it a little harder to be smooth. For me anyway.