Is there something going on with wind or runway friction?

Self help is always the best help…

The are things to be be encouraged about though: although the stock C172 G1000 isn’t fixed still, I’m confident that I could easily mod it to give correct behaviour. Secondly although it’s the only /stock/ aircraft, it’s not the only one in the sim to have them enabled: Raul from FSReborn implemented them in the FSR500 when SU15 was in beta and achieved very nice results (despite continued severe limitations on how turboprops are modelled in MSFS). So the new physics should - if implemented correctly - finally solve this issue.

Transparency is indeed key. The last time there were important changes to the ground physics in SU9, I started this thread so we could track what aircraft had the new physics implemented.

And the good news is that quality developers like SWS, JustFlight, Blackbird, Black square WorkingTitle and others all applied the SU9 variables to their existing releases retrospectively and incorporated them into new ones. We should hopefully expect the same with these SU15 variables.

But don’t expect any of the stock Asobo or Microsoft Marketplace aircraft to be updated (and if it’s an encrypted MP only aircraft like the ATR there is no way of knowing unless the developer tells us)