Is this game even playable now?

Maybe you should just try it rather than creating a thread that just going to bring out all the trolls and others that want to jump on the melodramatic crisis, catastrophe, disaster…[insert hyperbolic adjective of your choice]…that is MSFS


True!!! Same thing I said in my first post…

Gordongreig I like that. Says it in a nutshell!

I’m currently on a world tour with the A320 that started shortly after patch 2. Can’t say it’s unplayable. Just had to work around some issues.

Around 17,500 miles flown so far.


For me the game’s been super laggy after the update. To make it worse, I couldn’t press the buttons or switces properly in the A320. Seriously its not playable anymore

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Honestly, the Japan area has crashed me more times than any other area and patch - the VFR map was already popped out. Just a random CTD like you mentioned. I think it’s a specific issue in the Japan region update.

I’m sorry mate…but 10/10…whose kidding who…or they are just ignoring the bugs?..maybe…the scenery is generally good, but the aircraft…yep they are default and you don’t expect systems level…but 10/10? The navigation bugs, the weather bugs, the A/P bugs…ok all software has bugs…but even after watching the Q&A on YouTube today…Asobo wouldn’t even give it anywhere near that score…and they are the developers.


You should take a look at Amazon reviews if it’s bad reviews you want!

see that’s what i mean. not looking just for bad reviews, or just good reviews. for sure its up to the reader to surmise if whats written is sincere or fake. just saying reviews like the “software is perfect” or “it’s a total piece of ■■■■” are both equally useless.

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But that’s the thing. People see a not (yet) working vnav and spew out “unplayable” and would go 1/10 on it and other found their house and would go 10/10 on it. No perspective anymore in our world it seems. Either you’re a hater or a fanboy.

People were giving analogies like buying a car and then no engine, no A/C, no radio, no GPS. It’s a very bad analogy.

The better analogy would be, it has an engine, but not yet reached its potential (instead of 200 HP its 150), it has A/C but without auto temperate control, it has radio but not doesn’t have all features, it has GPS but no software.

So it would BE drivable. Just like msfs is flyable, just not to its full potential yet.

Where did the middle ground between 0 and 100% go I wonder. And the reviews and feedback talking about the good AND the bad.


Funny enough I’m running an i7 6700, 16 GB 3200 ram and…a gtx970…and I’m having no problems or ctd…the flybywire 320 neo, too.


What is the purpose of this post? Where is the moderation? Why don’t you launch the sim? Works just fine for me and friends.


To me, AA in this game is all of a sudden terrible, jagged lines on terrain, flickering lines on airports, area around rivers horrible.

Some parts are!

Played it last night for about 5 hours

That is fantastic…so no bugs what so ever? …or you can live with them for the moment? Not being smart just asking a genuine question.

There is a bug with the VFR map but I never use it because it’s bad (CTD when you open it, workaround is to open it automatically at start). Also there are some involuntary graphics downgrades but I can’t say I noticed. The rest works normally for me.

A strange comment, why would you make a post saying you wont try it because of the issues reported??? You may be fine, sadly i have had issues, but at least i am trying to get them resolved… crazy!

That was from August when the game was in a better shape compared to what it is now. The reviewers would have been reviewing it a long time before this month as well.

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Even real-world airliners sometimes have to fly with inoperative systems. This is provided for under an approved Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

For instance, a r/w A320 can be dispatched in passenger-carrying flights even if the autopilot is completely inoperative, or if one of two FMS systems is inoperative. The only restrictions for an inoperative autopilot are that no approach procedures that would require a working autopilot be used (like a Cat 2 or Cat 3 ILS), and that the airplane cannot be flown above 28,000 feet.

It can be legally dispatched with one engine generator inoperative provided the APU is left running, or with an inoperative APU provided both engine generators are working.

It can be dispatched if the copilot PFD display is inoperative, provided the pilot PFD is working, or the pilot MFD is inoperative provided the copilot MFD is working.

I’m not trying to excuse the fact that aircraft systems that should work in the sim do not, but I guess my own definition of “unflyable” is different than some, considering that a few of the specific bugs in recent patches would not make the (real) aircraft “unflyable” if they were to occur in actual operations.