Is this game even playable now?

The game is absolutely playable and very enjoyable in my experience, and all aircraft work.

I do about two IFR flights a day and while I occasionally encounter small issues, it’s nothing that can’t be worked around.

There are simply a lot of people around here that don’t know what “playable” even means, let alone being able to describe issues without massively overstating them.

I advise to simply try the sim for yourself, because considering the amount of sheer trolling, this forum is absolutely not a good place to find out whether you’ll enjoy the sim or not.



also to me is sim playable and no CTDs, 100% stable but with bugs comming after each Patch (they destroy all was previously ok) is only playable but not usable :smiley:

Each patch objectively fixes a lot more than it breaks. It isn’t even in the same galaxy.

It’s playable and usable.

Incidentally, it’s more playable and usable than basically every other commercial flight simulator near launch.

This is what we probbaly see here more and more, patch after patch :slight_smile:

Some users defend all is ok and some users have more problems after each Patch, hope you read correctly this Forum. In other side you can easy check (click new topic and look to Conferencies types) how many posts are within that Conferencies. I’m not blind hope but with Bugs are numbers like as you said from another Galaxy :smiley:

No issues so far this morning, just done a A320 flight and all went well.

@ TheDaMnEd147

More infos???

default 320, complete NAV/FMS use, …

Fly by wire, Game generated flight plan…AP, ILS all worked as should

Then you’re wrong!

We need have clear info about default MSFS state and not compare some 3-rd party addons! Be kind understand this.

Aye very good, have fun…

I reinstalled the whole game yesterday, i still had AP issues with the default A320 yesterday. I did a flight yesterday with the Flybywire a320 still exactly the same AP issues, Zoom camera locked…

Today I few as stated in the pervious post…

YOU! may be wrong…

My little friend with that nice nickname.

pls try understand my post again prior to be angry. I can’t help you if you don’t understand what is standard state of MSFS and what is addon inside MSFS which you’re flying… Select default A320 and then report all is working correctly, I’ll waiting :slight_smile:

Ok, just for you i will…off to remove the A320NX from my community folder.

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I like the part where your flying along a river, and the water actually goes up beyond the shore line, above the rest of the river. Though I cant blame 2020 for that because to one extend or another it has existed in all the MSFS lines as far back as I can remember.

Performance was more consistent yesterday, but there is now a bug in the Vfr map that causes Ctd.

My impression so far is the patches only scratch the surface and are having a very limited effect on the core experience, which it’s probably too late to modify at this point.

The flight was going pretty well even though a huge escarpment in the area was nowhere to be seen, the live time of day was Wrong and showed it to be like fully dark when outside it wasn’t even close, and live weather gave me a storm in the area where there was none… and this is still a one button flying experience where it’s impossible to fail or even damage the plane except for ludicrous overspeed.

You’d think considering they have thousands of surfaces on the plane, they’d have stress limits built in and calculate when those are exceeded and at least tell you, if not show you, for far better immersion. Nope! That would have take a few extra lines of code. Let’s go 95% of the way there and then drop the ball.

Oh… I have more.

At random, you don’t know if the game will allow/enable the Nvidia overlay so you can take screenshots etc. Some launches it’s there. Some it’s not.

The launch screen still says set your experience… do you guys even play your own game?

The autopilot in the DA62 was still acting up. Autotrim remained enabled despite control input. Autotrim was making completely nonsensical adjustments, pitching the aircraft pretty much straight up and keeping it there.

Again, a glaring lack of user feedback prevents players, especially amateurs in the genre, from knowing what control inputs they made and what effects the model applied. Did I adjust my trim when I hit that button? A nice little widget or console message “Trim pitch -0.1 (2.2 down)” that gently appears and scrolls/fades out with customizable visual behaviour would go a long way. Why can’t you see that about gusts and wind? Why do we get zero visual data about live weather?

If we had proper sim feedback, and not in a garish visual manner a very usable manner, and customizable, you would have far less false bug complaints because people would know what’s going on. Such as, Autopilot just adjusted the trim (or that it literally adjusted itself therefore easier to confirm bugs). I bet the Devs don’t even have this built in yet.

Why can’t we break any control surfaces? Even the xplane default aircraft have at least the basic modelling of this that was standard in the industry for years before msfs.

Why are there no headphones for the pilot so you don’t need to choose between massive droning engine or turning it down unnaturally low… since you paid so much attention to the true to life audio experience?

And… two things I’m not 100% on but these were impressions, the clouds are pixelated up close even though they are on ultra. This was not the case at launch. Graphics downgrade. And the lighting on the DA62 does not look as realistic anymore. Downgrade.

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Agreed. As with most things in life FS2020 does not lend itself to a binary good/bad judgement. Off the top of my head, it seems to me that there are at least four different factors in play in making the judgement for the OP.

  1. The type of flying you want to do - I have never been interested in tubeliners so the specific issues related to them are less of a problem for me at the moment. Equally, as posted in many other threads the default GA aircraft beat the vanilla defaults in other sims into a cocked hat.
  2. Obv your system - I can run very happily at high settings on a mid range system with advantage of a very fast fibre connection
  3. How “clean” a system you install onto - after years of crashes and reinstalls of p3d (and as a result Windows) I decided to install FS2020 onto a clean ssd. Have had no crash problems to date and can’t prove it but I have a strong suspicion that that has minimised other system conflicts.
  4. How far you are prepared to enhance it with addons. For example, even when working, the VFR system in FS2020 is as limited as P3D and FSX before it. I know I am not alone in using Little Nav Map as a much more effective flight planning and moving map tool on a second device but it does need “plumbing into” the sim.

Put those, and I am sure many other considerations, together and on that basis, for me FS2020 works well out of the box, has some limitations which can be worked around and which I can live with, whilst waiting for improvements, just as I waited for them in the sims that came before.

I’ve played almost daily since launch and only major issue I’ve experienced was FPS dropping to 10 after an hour. However that was solved when I updated Windows.

Performance is good, given my PC isn’t high-end and had no crashes.

So definitely playable and enjoyable from my point of view. But since some users experience more issues, it’s best to try out yourself.

Personally the patches have just made the game better, sure there are issues to sort out, and I can understand the frustration for users who cannot launch the game or experience crashes all the time.

Completed second flight as you suggested with the default A320. AP , Nav all worked exactly the same as the previous flight. One issue the engine screen in the centre panel blacked out on approach. Turned the brightness up and it came bac, so there is an issue there.

But this is far better than even yesterday.

Landed without issue.

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Thnx for your info, apreciated.

So now you understand that there are still issues with standard sim, hope now you can understand also that your message that today all is ok is wrong, correct? Because you’ve mentioned use of 3-rd party addon not standard sim…

Sorry i don’t agree. Yesterday i could not even complete a flight.
That said i am out!

Pls be kind again say correct informations.

Simply I don’t have taste to again and again ask for something that you don’t understand. Pls differ functionality with standard sim (without any addon inside f.ex. Community folder) and your mentioned FlyBy wire 320. Your every post is not clear.

Yep! It’s very playable for me, did a full flight in the FBW A32nx yesterday, no major issues!

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