Issues setting up Thrustmaster TCA Throttle Quadrant

Same issues here.
So far I’m quite disappointed that Thrustmaster, a french company, didn’t got sufficient support from ASOBO, another french company, to solve those issues within those months since it’s been possible to order…

Did anyone just tried to configure the Throttle Quadrant using FSUIPC7 ?


Well. I have got it running reasonable good for now. CLB is in place an reversers are working as intended.

How did you do it?

@FreedFlyer97231 basically the same setup like this guy:How can i use reverse Thrust on the new Thrustmaster Airbus Quadrant

Oof… Yea, I’ll wait for the update lol

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@FreedFlyer97231 takes less than 10 min to setup… easy job

After installing the new drivers, I don t habe the 20% Idle problem.

I assigned the Throttle exactly like it is described in the workaround manual of Thrustmaster.

My problem is: I don t have detends. If I move the throttle forwards everything is fine to about 50% Throttle, after that only full throttle is availble. So in TO Mode in the A320neo MOD I have only TO/GA Mode available using this Throttle. After takeoff there is no CLB Mode with the throttle. Moving the throttle back is resulting in AUTO Mode in the A320neo and all Autopilot Modes are not working. What have I done wrong ?

My solution was to use the F2 Key to get the CLB Mode, but this can t be a real solution…

Any Ideas ? Here it was mentioned, that CLB Mode was working. So what went wrong with my throttle ?

I take it that you use the entire throttle range on the quadrant ? This is the reason you don’t have the 20% thrust issue. The reverse range on the throttle quadrant is the 0 - 20% range.
I am still hoping that Asobo will properly implement this in their next patch. The upcoming patch, not any patch after that…

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No I don t use the full range. After Firmware Update ( WIN10 Thrustmaster App ) I was able to calibrate. After that, my Throttle is at 0% in idle. But nerverless, not working reverse thrust, only via button 2 how they described in the workaround manual.

My problem is that the throttle only works correctly to about 50%, after that only full throttle availble. So I can t reach CLB mode via the throttle…

OK, I see. Thanks for the explanation

How did you manage to calibrate it? I updated to the latest firmware as well, but i cant seem to calibrate it in windows or in the flight simulator itself.

I never did. When I open the thrustmaster -> control panel, the throttles are spot on in there.

The only way is to change the sensitivity to 100%, but then like what you said above 50% it will go to full throttle (because of the 100% sensitivity), so that is not a good workaround for me

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Weird… I’ve updated mine last night and it shows 20%. It’s only at 0 if I go all the way down, in other words, activate full reversers.

I just tried it in xplane:
It is fully implemented - all switches (including crank norm ign) work as they should, including the reversers.
So look forward to upcoming patches :smile:

this is exactly what happens. For this you need to set the sensitivity to 96%

I know ! Even Aerosoft has everything implemented for their Airbus in P3D ! All working as it should

I bought the sidestick without the throttle and had a similar issue.
The stick’s throttle has that reverse range as well, in which additionally a constant button press (button 17) is enabled which can be bound to hold reverse. But I couldn’t manage to find a combo that allows me to have a gradual reverse in the reverse area of the throttle slider.

In the configuration which can be accessed in windows, the effect of the throttle slider can be changed, but that didn’t allow me to find a combination either.

So I guess (and hope) the sidestick slider will be fixed with whatever will be provided for the throttle quadrant as well…

Other than that throttle issue I’m really enjoying the sidestick. It’s precise and comfortable.

Oh I agree, I love the Sidestick. I have flown Airbus IRL and can compare to the real deal. I absolutely love it !


If you absoluteley want to a semi good combo would be assigning Button to to switch reverse thrust. That way you would press it and then push up the slider. Pressing it again would change back into normal mode. I didnt know that the Sidestick had a reverse thrust range and I was so happy when I saw that it did. It was disappointing to see that such a simple task could be overlooked even when advertised as “plug and play”. I hope the update fixes that