Its a bit breezy

I think the community would really appreciate that. The issue is that it’s hard to get it noticable by most of the users.


Will check through the topic and will report if i have some that are missing :wink:

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I’ve been quite a good boy recently I’ll have you know! Only got the Blackwing and Bulldog this month… Don’t talk about scenery though :slight_smile:


I expect to see a report on ground handling values on my thread Monday 9am sharp!

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its not SOME of my aircraft its ALL of my aircraft except Helis

Topic moved from General Discussion.

Being more of a glider type it’s been a while since I flew the arrows (seems different to before) so forgive me if it’s not textbook … but that was really gusty live weather, I’m just glad I got down.

JF have implemented the new ground physics variables, so it should handle differently on the ground (and from what I could see you were able to track CL after the wheels came down.

I’m afraid if I had been sitting in the right seat I may have been saying ‘de-crab, de-crab’!

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:smile: Yeah I tend to crab land a lot in the gliders, for better vision and knowing that straighting up can give a quick burst of speed/lift if needed … easy to forget you can just increase power in the arrows.

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It was nice. Thanks for sharing! I just had a gusty crosswind landing at a bush strip in Washington state doing some live flight testing . De-crab was on my mind!

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Cool … and thanx for not shouting :grinning:

I think the Arrows might be my next purchase.

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so i m guessing there is no cure for this especially for those of us on xbox?

No, there is a cure: fly aircraft that have been well tuned by their developers (consult the list or ask the Dev direct). They are some available for Xbox like the Kodiak 100 by SWS.

Mind you, that doesn’t mean they will be ‘easier’ to fly and you still need to use proper crosswind take off and landing techniques which will have just as an important effect on how the aircraft behaves on the take off and landing roll.

I speak Directly to a Dev daily. 1st they have heard about “tuning” their aircraft

Why would i want easy to fly? If I can fly Fighter Jets to the edge of there performance envelope why would i want to trade down to an “easier” aircraft? I just want to be able to taxi without having to clear the sides of the taxi way first

The OP largely flies aircraft by us, most of which have been tested by pilots of the real aircraft in question. He sees considerable wind effect. I fly the same airplanes ( obviously ) and see no unusual wind effects, nor do most other users of the same airplanes.

This has nothing to do with aircraft “tuning” - it’s something in the sim itself.

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Thank you matey. At least someone understands what im talking about. Nothing to do with tuning ground models

I fly your aircraft too and very nice they are.

As a Dev you obviously know that in the flight_model.cfg there is a section referred to as ‘flight tuning’. So if I say ‘tuning’ I refer to changes to those values in that part of the FDE which by effect are usually scalars of of the more fundemental values in the flight dynamics part ie: ‘tuning’ , I dunno if that’s the really the right term to use, I’ve seen other Devs use it. But anyway, call it ‘changes to the FDE’ if you prefer.

The 4 new values that Asobo introduced to the SDK to address excessive weathervane effect (that Asobo have recognised as an issue effecting all aircraft) are all part of the ‘flight tuning’ part of the FDE. And all relate to how the aircraft behaves on the ground. So that’s why I use that term. Most other Devs I deal with (I’m a beta tester for a few of the bigger 3rd party studios) seem familiar with this kind of terminology.

The OP asked:

Now he didn’t specify which aircraft (all?) or say too much more about the circumstances, but from the information provided it certainly sounded like weathervane effect (is this what you mean by ‘wind effect’?), that in MSFS will push a 747 around when taxiing in a 5knot wind. Maybe it is weathervaning, maybe it’s something else particular to the OPs configuration. Hard to say without more information about the effected aircraft, the controllers in use or the weather conditions.

If it is weathervaning, then Asobo have deployed those four values as a temporary solution. But its then up to the Dev to apply them. I don’t know if you have on your aircraft as no one with access to the flight_model.cfg has reported any of the values (I sadly made the mistake of buying mine via the Marketplace so can’t see the .cfg).

The values do work. A bit crude and clunky and not well explained in the SDK, but they can definitely improve handling whilst the wheels are on the ground. Taxiing can be smooth, crosswind landings no longer result in a sudden deviation as soon as the main gear touches. Even the CJ4 now no longer lurches into the wind at 80KIAS on the take-off roll despite full opposite rudder.

Those values aren’t a solution to the root cause of course. Just a treatment for the symptoms. Nobody really seems to know why the weathervane effect is so bad: something in the SIM itself. It might be the contact friction model. But others have noticed similar issues with lateral forces like missing adverse yaw and also the way that turbulence tends to create too much yawing. It’s almost as if there is excessive lateral forces being applied to the aircraft both on the ground and in the air. Maybe on the ground it’s made worse because the contact points are, well, just that: points. The question has been asked of Asobo, but as it’s in the black-box of the flight model all we can do is speculate as to the real cause.

Anyway, I hope that helps explain where I’m coming from and the advice to the OP. If it is weathervaning (and you have ruled out controller configuration or, ahem, lack of pilot skill) then you need to ask: has the aircraft had the new values applied?

As stated, if new values had to be applied, then by logic alone all aircraft without them would suffer from the problem described, on all platforms. They don’t, therefore, the aircraft and their settings, whatever they may be, cannot be the cause.

About the only variable I can think of that might be responsible is that Xbox somehow is working differently to PC in some way.