Its a bit breezy

You may have a valid point there DC about Xbox behaving differently, may be those “values” or what ever is giving me this sideways skating issue is something that is trimmed out with MS’s xbox testing/compliance process, Much like when Checklists disappear and such like. its OK though i just have to taxi on full pedal lock or start on the threshold

Precisely: they do. Even helos. But all to different degrees as the effect can be offset/effected by other factors such as inertia moments, NWS effectiveness, rudder authority and of course the aircraft geometry and landing gear configuration

I can well imagine that weathervaning is hardly noticeable on a fast jet during take-off and landing rolls. The amount of thrust and control authority available in these aircraft is so great that they will just overcome it with so much ease the pilot may barely notice.

Not so much for a typical GA aircraft. Even airliner devs use the values: PMDG have applied them to the 737 family, because even big heavy aircraft suffer from unrealistic drift when taxiing.

I still don’t really understand the problem being described, but I’ll take the F-14 for some crosswind taxi and circuits and see how it feels.

No, they don’t. You’re missing the point - the F-14 veers for some, and not for others. If it were solely an aircraft / flight model based problem, they would all show the same issue for all users. They do not, and in fact most do not see it, only users here and there.

I have also not seen it appearing on any of the aircraft I own, regardless of size or manufacturer

Ah I see. I thought we were talking about allaircraft in the sim. Yes, we are talking at cross-purposes then. Maybe the post needs tagged to make it clear that it’s only for certain aircraft?

Mind you, as I said both controller set up and technique can have a pretty big effect and it can be hard to disentangle what is causing what.

Sorry, but could you specify it? Do you mean weathervane effect or something else (the OP mentioned sliding sideways - that sounds a bit different)?

Any of it. No drifting, excessive taxi-crosswinds or anything else, in any aircraft. Sim is fully up to date, HOTAS controls, VR and I fly regularly. That’s why I suspect something else is at play - as often seen with MSFS, not everybody experiences the same things, making troubleshooting very difficult, as you pointed out. We’re often chasing rainbows as devs as bug reports come in, but cannot be replicated in any way.

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Absolutely take your point about the challenge of the SIM offering different experiences to different users. Baffling for all.

But this is a bug that Asobo have formally recognised and have made changes to the SDK to address and have a bigger solution in the works. And we know how hard it is to get them to recognise a problem.

The CJ4 is a good testbed for this - before AAU1 for me it would always veer off into the dirt long before Vr with any demonstrated xwind above 20 knots (MDC of 25) . Now with the values applied it handles well. It’s easy to compare: just comment out the two lines of code for lateral tire friction.

I guess its one of those infinite monkey barrel situations. There are so many different add ons and an infinite combination of them that could cause this (or any) of these odd quirks. I know its not caused buy Deans aircraft, i know because we would have many folk reporting it on a consistent basis and there isnt. Im wondering if its one of the extras like weather settings pro or something that needs updating and gets exaggerated by X amout of other factors.

Yeah, you should definitely test with any mods disabled and just use a standard ‘clear weather’ preset and then add in increasingly strong ground-level wind layer set at right angles to the runway heading in the weather toolbar. Go from 0 up in 5 knt steps up to say 25.

At each step just taxi around and monitor how much you need to use the rudder/tiller to keep a straight line when the wind is coming at you from side on. You should need some once its above 10 and by 25 quite a lot. But you should still be able to taxi down the middle and also take off without going off the edge of the runway.

I wonder if this comes back to the notion of overly large vtail area on some aircraft. Perhaps his planes don’t have that going on?

Hey there! Maybe, but I can’t access the .cfg to see. But I’ve dug the HOTAS out and going to take the 'ole Tomcat for a spin.

Then it’s the long-delayed H145 conversion training for me.

Well I took the F14 out and taxied around in a 20knt crosswind and it was absolutely rock solid. No vaning at all.

Was a bit different in the t/o roll - some rudder required but all within normal behaviour. Easy to track c/l. All good.

I then couldn’t resist flying the length of the A9 at 500AGL up to Lossie. Ah, that was fun! But I’ll resist the urge to go do such things and fly some circuits. Initial impression is that the F14 is a solid performer on the ground already and isn’t going to benefit much from the new values. :+1: