It's not just the speed of your bandwidth

… It’s also how many people are using it. I just realized that. I took the two week subscription for game pass to try 2024. I have close to minimum specs. My wife and daughter went out, so I had all day to play around with it. With an RTX 2060 video card with only 6 gb, and only 16 gb of ramm, I wasn’t expecting much. It not only ran, I used medium and high settings. Mostly high. Clouds, buildings, trees, grass…all on high. It ran beautifully! With lossless scaling I was getting 60fps. It made no sense. I didn’t think it would run like that. I was going to buy it. Then my girls came home. They got on the internet, and that was the end of that! The game went down to 8 FPS, and I had that red guy hanging out of the airplane!
This is probably the problem most people are having. It’s the streaming that’s the whole issue with this game, I see now. Have everybody get off the internet except you and see what happens. I’m not sure if I’ll get it now. I don’t want a sim that I can only fly if no one is home but me!


Hi there, I have basically the same specs as you and I also am using the Game Pass to test the MSFS 2024…I am going to purchase the Premium Deluxe Version…I also have low Bandwidth, I didn’t think that my specs were good enough but I’m very happy that I did…


I have really fast internet, the fastest the company offers. But with three people on, it just isn’t enough to run the sim. And it was running so well I couldn’t believe it. But now I just dont know.


Yeah, this has always been the issue with thin clients. Theoretical bandwidth is one thing. Actual bandwidth is another. Actual bandwidth can vary at any time because of a mix of:

  1. Load from devices in your property.
  2. Load from others sharing your connection to the exchange.
  3. How much your provider oversubscribes the line.
  4. Latency may have an impact, I’m not sure. It depends on if they send big chunks of data or lots of little ones.

Ideally Asobo can add pre-caching so you can download an area while sleeping or out and about like FS2020 can.

Or maybe now that they are getting real-world performance data, they might be able to tweak the preloading to work better for people with not-so-great bandwidth.

One answer would be to make it possible to download, onto your harddrive, the part of the world you want at that moment. I fly over the U.S. 90% of the time. I’d install the United States. If I wanted to explore the African Continent, I’d uninstall the U.S. and send it back to the stream and install that. I don’t know if that can be done, but I think a lot of people would use such an option.


Installing the whole sim could cost 25 hrs (1,5Tb), I read somewhere. Is that really a feasible option?
I think that when we want a digital twin, and not OrthoXP or the likes, we need streaming.
We also need hard wired PC’s and XBoxes, and not play over wifi.
Also reserve a chunk of the bandwidth (say 50Gb) to the msfs pc, and leave the rest to be shared by the loved ones. Is that even possible?

So how many TB’s do you have to spare? You will need a lot. And I mean a lot. Dozens of TB’s.

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Ah, I didnt realize that just the U.S. alone would be that much. So its not an option. If I want it, I just fly it when they arent home, or at night when they go to bed. I have 2020 installed so its not that big a deal, I suppose.

Where are you coming up with 25 hours to download the U.S.? I recently reinstalled MSFS 2020 on a new build and it took an hour and 15 minutes to download the whole world.


And this:

Last dev stream
It appears to be ‘the whole sim’ so I went wrong there.

Sadly even if you were able to download everything the game itself is so broken it’s like setting your flight simulator back 5 years to the beginnings of 2020.
Even the minimal of “new” features like dust effects don’t work on almost all of the aircraft and the oldest of original effects like windscreen water effects are broken.
Right now this simulator is a giant failure.


Dear OP: A couple of ideas that may / should help. These are in priority order. To know if either of these work, you will need to have the internet competition do the same kind of stuff they were doing when you noticed the issue then check if there’s any improvement. Please let me/us know.

Humble suggestion 1) Go wired, if possible. Ethernet can be way faster than wireless. With a good quality cable (e.g. Cat 8) you can go 100 meters without any issues. (See this [How-to-Geek article (, for example.) When I did this, I laid the long cable across the floor to test it out. When I knew it would work (3 - 4x the speed of wireless, I called an electrician (not friend or family) and paid $100 to have it routed. It came out perfect. If it doesn’t work for some reason, you can return the cable.

Humble suggestion 2) If you absolutely need to go wireless, you should still be able to improve things. Your router or whatever can likely use the 2.4Ghz frequency and the 5.8Ghz frequency. You can then assign one of the frequencies for just you, then put the competition on the other. Usually, 5.8Ghz is faster but doesn’t travel as far as 2.4Ghz. Try 5.8Ghz first. If you are not sure how to do this, get the router’s model and serial numbers and call the manufacturer telling them what you want to do. I’m sure they will be happy to help.

Thanks. --Redeye


I limited my bandwidth to 40Mbps from 100Mbps of max and now I have less stutters:).

Streaming was an issue in MSFS 20 too, in fact, still is for many people.

They claimed that for 2020, their servers could not upstream scenery data at more than 10mbps per user. I don’t know what the numbers look like for 2024, but it would be interesting for Asobo to make a public statement, I mean no reason not to.

All right. I’m almost embarrassed to write this after starting the post, but the internet doesn’t seem to have been the problem. I sat down today to give it a try. Same thing. Terrible. I had been flying the TBM, and was using it again. I changed airplanes. I grabbed the Pitts. 60 FPS, and running beautifully! Maybe it’s because its a simpler airplane. I grabbed the PC-12. Flawless performance. Back to the TBM. 9 FPS. The best I could get was 18. Grabbed another plane. No problems .It was the default TBM! But I’ve never heard anyone say they have a problem with this plane. MSFS 2024 runs great on my four year old Asus laptop. I’m going to buy it. Thanks for the interest you showed in the post and the suggestions to help.


Might be an idea to mark this post as solved?

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Once the necessary elements are downloaded, the game uses very little bandwidth while flying. It’s not a cloud streaming game. Assets are downloaded as needed and cached for future use. Why do people think it uses so much bandwidth? Once the needed assets are downloaded, it uses less than 1mpbs.

Sadly, we live in an age, where facts are seldom checked and conspiracy theories are parroted a hundredfold. …

Check you consumption and that will tell you how much it consumes. Play your games, non fs24 for 5 hours then play fs24 for 5 hours and check the difference.

I run my PC and XBSX hard wired, my family can fight for the wifi scraps :laughing:. Although it’s usually 950+ up/down pinging 4 to the USEast server. Although 2020 has always had this weird thing where it slowly ‘throttles’ (particularly MP) download speeds over time where I religiously nuke unplug/plug in everything weekly and it’s back. But for connection/streaming I don’t get that. On XB outside of the sim downloading games in the XB UI not uncommon to download above 700mbit/s. 3GB download for Goat Simulator, zzzzzzzzzip and done. Have no idea what MP is in 24 obviously, although streaming has been wonky from time to time, likely on their end. I can usually ‘see’ other websites/servers’ slow connections. Try the Home Depot website sometime… :face_with_spiral_eyes: