January 16, 2025 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update Blog here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


Come on MS/Asobo – this is ridiculous.

It’s been 2 months and we get a dev update that basically states nothing
 no clue when SU 1 is going to be released
 the Pilatus PC-12 bug won’t be fixed until SU2? How in the world does this happen?

It’s like slapping your customers in the face.


We still don’t have our 3rd party airliners in this sim. PMDG, iFly, etc can’t even help their customers because it’s, as usual, complete silence from Jorg and team.


SU 2 for VR fixes? ugh.


Unbelievably underwhelming.


So no VR fixes until SU2, months from now if we are lucky. Got it.


What does “No repro since Dec” mean for the sim freezing when returning to menu from inibuilds aircraft. I can assure you that it is still very much a problem on Xbox series X. Load in, do a flight (I don’t think they ever have), land and try to exit to menu. Couldn’t be simpler to reproduce it


No word on a date for SU16 for MSFS 2020 or SU1 beta for 2024?


I’m just so disappointed. My beloved flight sim is so disappointing now. I’m just bummed out at this point. Waited an entire week with no concrete information.


This happens to everyone on all platforms since day one. It’s 100% reproducible on all flights with all ini aircraft (even their A300). it is known by inibuilds from day 1.


6 more months to see some progress, i can’t believe it


PC-12 is not Asobo/Microsoft fault is Carenado fault

Also for PMDG/IFly blocker is fix with SU1 
 so with SU1 beta, 3th dev get access new SDK can start working on 2024 version 

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The root issue for Inibuild Aircraft is fixed with SU1 according SDK forum

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At least there will be a beta for SU1. Everybody will be on it as we’re on a beta anyway at the moment so nothing to lose


Nope, i bought the game from Asobo/MS and the plane was included in the base package.
It’s their fault. If inside they have problems with their suppliers, it’s their responsability/problem too.


Carenado is a worse devs tbh 
 all Carenado aircraft have issue 


I am quite disappointed. There is no mention of a pre SU1 update and many important bugs won’t be fixed until SU2 (maybe until summer). I hope we get to test the SU1 beta update soon, although it’s ridiculous to have a beta update for a game in alpha status.


This should never have been released period ! Rushed alpha state of being , we all paid lots of hard earned money for it to work , I really feel bad for all the customers and especially all the developers that makes living selling their products as they are in bad shape financially as well as the consumer . Very bad business Asobo and Microsoft.


It is an Asobo/MSFS aircraft and it came with the sim. I don’t care who created it, it is part of MSFS’s standard package and should work. You can’t even fly it above 17,000 feet or you ‘die’.

Also, no official statement from PMDG or iFly that SU1 is going to fix what they need. In fact, on the contrary, it’s been publicly acknowledged by both aircraft devs that MSFS 2024 has them in a stopping point because they don’t even have adequate tools to debug, and one of the tiny hotfix patches actually didn’t do what they had hoped. Will it be fixed? Sure
 but WHEN? Customers are tired of waiting on broken promises and downright lies from this franchise.


Moderator Edit:
this development update is completely unnecessary, we waited a week for so little information and no specific dates on upcoming updates, I am extremely disappointed with the communication.

cette mise Ă  jour de dĂ©veloppement est complĂštement inutile, nous avons attendu une semaine pour si peu d’informations et aucune date prĂ©cise sur les mises Ă  jour Ă  venir, je suis extrĂȘmement déçu de la communication.

Translated from fr by Microsoft
This development update is completely useless, we waited a week for so little information and no specific date on the upcoming updates, I am extremely disappointed with the communication.


 and although the universe can agree this was the worst launch in sim history, it doesn’t excuse the fact that we get slow dripped information with zero degrees of confidence when/if things will improve. At this point, I don’t know what to believe or who to believe.