Japan Content


Not related to Japan only, the entire market place is grey out, unable to buy anything from 3rd party.

For me Japan works. Downloaded and flying. Looks very nice indeed

Taken with my phone o my screen!!!

Well hopefully Jummivana has seen the responses from their previous post and is on the case; not sure there’s much more we can do at this stage

Flying the Japan tour as I type this

Marketplace works fine for me.

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All is grey out from market place, unable to buy\download anything.

Same here
 didn’t need to restart the game, just followed the instructions and all installed. Smooth as !!

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Not working for me, marketplace buy options all greyed out. Have tried several reboots.

I confirm, the whole market is gray
Rebooted the computer six times

Weird. I was able to dl mostly fine (sim froze after dl completed, restarted and it showed as installed) so idk

No issues here, download patch, restatred pc, then downloaded World update Japan from Market Place. all good.

Really impressed with the graphics and fps imrovement.

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At SIOTA waypoint on the Japan Discovery route

Yep exactly

Did they release the content for America first ?

Required a reboot for me to appear.

It’s not so much a case of it not appearing as the content is showing in the Marketplace just fine, it’s just that the download button just doesn’t work for some of us. Who knows :thinking:

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The troubleshoot listed on known issues doesn’t work, i tried deleting 350i and reinstalling it , still greyed out.

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Also, nothing helps to revive the marketplace.

I’ve put a ticket into Zendesk with a screenshot and mentioned that the payware on the Marketplace is also unavailable. Looks like the handbags are out in the main discussion thread already over various things so going to go take the dogs for a walk


I cant even update to 1.9.3! Marketplace is saying i have latest version (1.8.3)!!!