Jetways not connected to the Terminals

Anyone know why sometimes the jet ways are not connected to the buildings?

That is a well known MSFS bug.
The upcoming Scenery Gateway System will probably be able to fix these types of issues.

Haven’t heard of this. What is the Scenery Gateway System?


Upcoming user-generated-content editor for default airports. Entering beta soon.

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Nice! Thanks for the reply. Will this be for Xbox as well or PC only?


I would think it would only operate on a PC, as it is for the user to be able to correct and save issues with airport sceneries, something an xbox can’t do.
It wouldn’t surprise me though, that the corrected sceneries would be able to be used with xbox.
Bear in mind the above statements are only speculation on my part, I have no inside info on it.

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Agreed, they stated that the airports would be available in a base-patch, so it stands to reason that’s both xbox and PC.

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