Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

Just seen the trailer on YouTube, and was so pleased to see the Aircraft (GPES)I trained in to get my ppl ,at Tollerton Airfield in Nottinghamshire. Was owed by Sherwood flying club there. Many happy memories, will definitely need to buy this one now :smile: .Dave



After some experimenting I found the reason for the low framerate. Turning on instrument lighting causes a 20% load on the GPU and a dramatic loss in performance and framerate. Hopefully this can be fixed some how.


Definitely has the FSRealistic prop wash issue…but just turn it off in FSR.
…but, for some reason if stationary on the ground my rudders do not move…as soon as I start to roll ok again! (With or without FSR on)
Spins are lovely in this though :slight_smile:


BlockquoteSounds like the behavior that some planes have when you use the prop wash feature of FSRealistic. The Blackbox Shorts / 360 is one of them.

Thank you for your reply. it was indeed the prop wash function of FSRealistic.

Many thanks to Just Flight developers for this wonderful plane.


Ok, we’ll investigate. We are using the same default MSFS lighting system and effects as in all our other aircraft and haven’t encountered that performance issue before so it’d be worth submitting a support ticket so we can collect some more information.

Martyn - Just Flight


Anyone else getting a constant roll to the left, even at lower throttle? I’m at 1900rpm, 70 kts, and in a constant left turn. I can counteract with rudder, or aileron, but it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t think it’s P-Factor, maybe torque? I checked my yoke config in VFHub, and it reports dead centre when yoke is centred.

I even tried turning off all wind, put the plane into a gentle right turn, and it gradually rolls back to the left.

It was covered in one of the vids, if you don’t have a copilot next to you there is a roll to the left due to the weight imbalance of the pilot being on the left side of the plane. Just add the copilot and it should straighten up.

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Ah, that makes total sense. I’ll give it a go, thanks.

That feels better. Full power climb, and only a little right rudder needed. Next to no roll to the left.

Thanks again.


I also have a low end system and fly in 1080p. When do you expect to have 4K textures?

I plan to buy it now anyhow and I can fly well in the countryside, but would like to know about 4K timing. Thanks.

It’s definitely not simple. It’s been years of detailed work from Just Flight.

Have you watched any of the YouTube videos? I guess if you have and you still don’t feel anything it’s probably not for you.

But I would say there are some parts of this plane which I prefer even over the Comanche.

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Downloading it now! Ready for a fun night!

Yes. I can live with it. But, and I’ve said this about other planes… it feels wrong. Some roll to the left is to be expected in climbs, but aircraft are designed to be stable and find an equilibrium. Read the FAA books to know more.

Are we saying that in real life, when solo, you have to apply constant right aileron or some rudder to fly level at all stages of flight, even low power cruise?

Maybe that is the case with the real aircraft. Suggests it wasn’t designed very well.

Still think this is a great plane though and have enjoyed my first few outings. I don’t like having a copilot so I use some right aileron trim to balance it out. But if the plane irl doesn’t have cockpit or ground adjustable aileron trim then I’m ‘cheating’.


IRL you would set the trim tabs on the wing depending on your load prior to takeoff. Again, it was covered in one of the videos, the Tomahawk is a light aircraft and affected by this effect more than heavier craft.


Enjoyed the first flight. My only gripe is the oil temp heats and cools too quick.

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I get to use a response I just posted elsewhere:

There are several left turning tendencies, which are more apparent in high-power, low-speed regimes but the bigger factor in cruise flight is spiral instability. This is where any divergence from airflow that is perfectly straight ahead (typically from a slight side gust, a weight imbalance, or any of the left turning tendencies) will cause a slip, which causes the nose to move (weathervane) in that direction. This speeds up the “outer wing” of the turn, which causes more lift, overbanking, and a feedback loop of more speeding up of the outer wing and overbanking until it’s out of control in a spiral dive.

This can be countered by either small, occasional corrections with the yoke, or rudder or aileron trim. Some light aircraft have a trim tab that’s basically a bendable piece of metal on the rudder. This works to counteract spiral instability, but it can only be set for one particular airflow and has to be done prior to flight. Diverge from that airflow (and a narrow band around it) and it is either too effective or too ineffective and you’ll have to continue manually correcting roll tendencies.

Some aircraft (most PA-28s included) have a rudder trim that can be controlled from the cockpit. It’s not very common to see controllable aileron trim as a standard feature in most light trainers, but definitely in larger aircraft.


Happy to report she flies like a dream. Ground handling is good. takes some getting used to but manageable in winds.The sounds…. They’re worth the price of admission alone!

Runs great on Series X. Did not experience issue above in regards to panel lights causing perf issues.

I am having one “issue.” Spawns with battery and alt on. State saving is on, always end my flight by finishing the shut down with the battery. Not a big deal

Worth the wait and money! Thanks JustFlight!

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Has the plane been optimized for SU15 Ground Handling ? and you are not on the SU15 beta (or release version of SU15 ? )


Do you have your cross-wind set to a ridiculously high level ?

Wow. Just, wow. Possibly the best GA aircraft that JustFlight has ever done. The handling, textures, sounds, it’s all there. Just shy of one hour on the hobbs meter so far, and I feel like this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Very smooth performance in VR (i9/3080/Quest3). Really really good overall first impression. I cannot WAIT to dig in to this little beastie!!


----- POSITIVES -----

  • Great sounds and textures
  • Nice character and flight model
  • Tracks well on the ground on landing in any “normal” wind
  • Good in VR for me too
  • I have a good feeling about it and can see great potential… BUT

----- SMALL ISSUES -----

  • Fuel pump switch not working with Logitech panel. It is just a 2-state rocker so it should (like on 99% of other planes I have).
  • Fuel selector (rotary on Alpha XPC yoke) I cannot find what tanks are being used for L and R. Has anyone figured it out? Seems like it’s not working with hardware (other planes do with the correct tank assigned. I tried them all I think), only with mouse. This info should be in the manual really.
  • Rudder not moving until rolling a bit (so is it not possible to test surfaces before moving?)

----- WISHES -----

  • Headphones Simulation (by clicking on jacks) would be a nice addition.
  • Overhaul individual items when damaged? Currently I have to overhaul EVERYTHING even to fix a small item which is a shame.

----- BUGS? -----
I have got some real weird stuff going on and I cannot figure out if it’s all me or some bugs.

Failures on, Wear & Tear on, State Saving (on or off makes no difference).

  1. I took some damage after a heavy landing. Switch engine off and overhaul. Start to take off and it’s not picking up speed as it should on ground. Look back at the tablet and it’s already got other damage / inop things. All I did was roll on grass at 40, so that seems a bit overzealous. Lost 5% condition just on take off roll (aileron inop, strut damage).
    Looked again and down to 90%. I did not push engine or anything abnormal.

  2. Happened a few times in slightly different ways. Seems to be AFTER an overhaul it’s super fragile again to the ailerons or tyres / struts failing.

  3. And when I could get in the air, the airspeed, vertical speed and altitude gauges are not working. Had to restart the flight totally.

  4. Another time, after a decent landing and turning around (no engine stop) would not build up speed again enough to lift off. Maybe I did take some damage but seems like I would not have done anything to cause it. Maybe the threshold for some “failure” stuff is too low I am thinking.

  5. Prop inop (damaged), turn engine off, prop keeps spinning until I cut mixture.

  6. I did also experience this pulling really hard to the side (left or right) that @TITIDR401 wrote, but I think on reflection it was because I had some damage and pedals were inop.

  7. One time, I restart flight, all my damage was still there. Overhaul. Now I am stuck on the ground. My feet on pedals are not even making the brakes animation work now. Totally glued.

  8. Had 1 CTD going to main menu.

  9. Had 1 CTD when overhaul then tried to restart engine.

So for now, I think I must fly without the Failures and Wear & Tear?

Overall though this is awesome. I really like it!


Can’t you fix things individually in the walkaround?

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