Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

Good news, I’m looking forward to hear soon about it.

@NORTMAR Anything new on this one or at least a heads up on reasonable expectation on release or progress. This is the first thing I look for everyday several times a day and weird enough I simultaneously get sad as well. Thanks ahead of time!

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Even if it has been cancelled it would be good to know for sure.

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A couple weeks have come and gone, and come again

@Saltash53 On JustFlights book of face page, in the “Avro Vulcan reveal” entry from Feb 2, 2023, JustFlight notes refers to the Tomahawk project as one of the to be released projects.

And it’s going to say that right up until it isn’t.

Like for example, the cancelled 747-100/200 and A300 for P3D last year. Or the cancelled 787 back in 2017. Or the cancelled VC-10 for X-plane in early 2022. Oh and I was also looking forward to the Fokker 28, which was supposed to release for XP11 and P3D. Back in 2021 they basically said that one was ‘no longer viable in this market’, and shifted development to MSFS. I don’t think that even got an official cancellation notice…

Basically, there’s been a fair few projects that were quite far along which still got cancelled. I’m HOPING the Tomahawk is unique enough for them to actually release the ■■■■ thing. But I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we got a notice after summer that it’s cancelled because there’s so many single engine props on the market and ‘it’s no longer viable’…

I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

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Can we stop this baseless rumourmongering? less than a month ago Martyn said they were taking the project in-house. How does that jump to “cancelled”?

JF in house atm have three Fokker 28 variants, a 146 upgrade, the RJ, the Vulcan, upgrades to 4 PA-28s and the Hawk going on. With that lot I’d expect “coming weeks” to really mean “coming weeks”.


We’re so looking forward to the arrival of this Aircraft into our beloved Sim and absolutely confident in Just Flight that it wiil more than fulfill all expectations.

Hardly baseless when the last published update on the Just Flight site is from last May, especially given the history of sudden cancellations mentioned above :roll_eyes:

The aircraft is actually quite far along. I’m pretty confident it will see the light of day in MSFS and will be what we would expect from JF.

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You’re also forgetting the Fokker 70 and 100 there. :smiley:

Here’s the thing. I love JustFlight. I love every project they do. I tend to buy every aircraft they release. We complain we because we WANT TO FLY THEM. Which is why it was so annoying to see other stuff cancelled that I was equally looking forward to. Because I had faith in those as well that they’d be awesome. The Tomahawk feels close, but just out of reach. And it’s felt like that for at least a year now.

But hey, at least the odds are in my favor this year - I’m on the chosen platform and I like everything they’re working on. If the Fokkers are half as good as the 146 was, we’re in for a treat when they release those.

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There is absolutely zero chance of the PA38 being cancelled. Relative to the number of products that we release, the two cancellations (VC10 and 787) give us a pretty good track record, and those externally-developed aircraft were cancelled at significant cost because we’d prefer that to disappointing you. Development on the F28, A300B4 and 747 Classic shifted from P3D to MSFS due to the unexpected shift in the market, unavoidable given the timescales for such complex projects. Hopefully that clears that up.

As outlined earlier, unfortunately the lead artist was no longer able to work on the project and due to all the other projects we’re working on, it’s not a quick or simple job to reallocate that work. However that has now happened and so progress is finally being made again, and you will be flying the PA38 by Q2 this year.

Martyn - Just Flight


Thanks for the update @NORTMAR and looking forward to it!

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Any news? Progress? Screenshots? Videos?

I’m still very much itching for this bird. Pretty please, with sugar on top! :grin:

Looking forward to taking this one “For a Spin” !!

We do in fact have news. Note the quote from JF’s Martyn a few posts above:

Now, note the particular use of the world WILL. No ‘maybe’, ‘we hope’ or similar uncertainty implied. WILL is a stone-cold guarantee.

Note also ‘by Q2 this year’. The second quarter ends officially on june 30th. Again, barring unforeseen changes to the laws of physics and time, that is again an immovable object.

Thus we will conclude that we will be flying the Tomahawk no later than june 30th.

I know this to be certain. Because let me tell you: if they announce ANY delay or deviation from said statements, JF and Martyn will learn why Dutch profanity is world renowned. I’m going to use cursewords that will get me tried in The Hague :smiley:

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Well, let them go on the project and give us some feedback about the state of the development as the end of Q2 is approaching.

He be jokin…
I’m going to have to assume the Dutch are also world renowned for the subtlety in their humor :wink:

No, more for our bluntness, really :smiley:

I’m certainly not going to yell at them before june 30th. They’ve got an aircraft to finish. If that date passes without a Tomahawk, I’m not making any promises.


As mentioned earlier, we had to bring all the artwork fully in-house and I can confirm that our lead artist has just finished work on the latest beta build. Once we’ve completed some initial testing, we will be posting a new In Development preview with more information on the project.

Martyn - Just Flight