I know most of you probably either don’t use in game ATC or maybe you’ve stumbled across this issue by now, but both COM1 and COM2 volume selectors in default cold and dark state are both set to zero. Of course even in blissful silence, you can still read ATC replies in ATC panel. Just thought I’d share in case anyone is wondering why they can’t hear ATC in the F28, just turn the volume controls on the COM1 and COM2 panel up.
Two questions.
The F28 certainly isn’t the easiest aircraft to slow down from cruise speed. For descending, I’ve been setting AP to IAS mode and then reducing throttle (significantly) to set the descent pitch.
What is annoying with this approach is at about 50% throttle an audio ‘warning’ sound kicks in (no warning lights, just a background screetching audio?). It’s a very annoying sound. So just wondering if you can switch this off/cancel the warning or is there a better approach to descents than dropping throttle to 50% or less. Airbrake seems a little too (maybe deliberately) ineffective at cruise altitude to slow aircraft with.
Also on arrival leg, it’s quite hard to slow the F28 down from 250kts. Throttle can be zero and F28 will just continue travelling at 250kts! Is this realistic? No default drag? I always seem to have to resort to airbrake then add in flaps to get it to slow down.
Any hints/advice appreciated. I may soon have to go RTFM or watch some videos though I think instead of “learning on the fly”
I think that’s the way to do it. If speedbrakes are used above 190 kts speedbrakes will only extend to gie a deceleration of 0.1g only anyway. From the manual, p.62:
Some typical examples of when speedbrakes may be used:
• If a rapid descent from cruise altitude at the maximum allowed rate of pressure change in the cabin is
desirable, speedbrakes may be deployed to maintain the best possible vertical speed. In the interest of
flight economy, the engines will be kept as close to idle as possible during this type of descent.
• If rapid changes in altitude are required either by airport procedures or Air Traffic Control (ATC) instruction.
• If high airspeed is required up until glideslope intercept, extension of the speedbrakes allow for the rapid
bleeding off of airspeed.
• Allows for glidepath interception without the need to adjust throttle settings.
• Can be used during final approach to maintain a constant aircraft configuration with high drag (flaps
full, gear down, speedbrakes extended) or can be used as a standby drag device when in the retracted
position, for use around noise-restricted airports. In the latter situation, the speedbrake will typically be
deployed prior to touchdown in order to minimise the landing distance.
The warning sound can be silenced, there’s a button on the pedestal near the throttles.
Thank you. Yes the speedbrakes only extend slightly (maybe 5 or 10 deg as opposed to 90deg) at cruise altitude/speed. They’d probably rip off if they didn’t! (The 146 pro I think can extend them more). But at 5 or 10% they only have a slight drag. Reducing throttle is what I do, but that audio screech/warning sound at <50% throttle! Or is that the actual engines I’m hearing? Nothing illuminates to say warning (that I can see), but it’s a super annoying/distracting sound. Maybe the F28 just produces super annoying engine sounds at 50% throttle irl.
Oh good! Thank you, it was driving me nuts. Will have to go & have a look. Is there a warning light that shows this somewhere or is it just audio warning?
In case any of you missed this on the other F28 thread, I feel this is worth a mention here. I tried landing in this config last night (with speedbrakes deployed), engines spooled up a bit & lift dampers armed and had a good landing.
Yes, it’s a similar procedure like with the BAE146.
Read the manual people, everything is explained there.
Hi all. The Xbox controller issue has now been fixed and will be rolled out in the next update. In the meantime you can download it as a hotfix here: F28 rudder axis controller hotfix | Just Flight Community
Martyn - Just Flight
We’ve not made any changes to the engine/thrust logic in the update and we’ve not seen any other reports of this yet. If you are still getting that issue, can you submit a support ticket via our website so we can investigate further?
Martyn - Just Flight
@Pt6a27 Most people seem to reporting good performance but the F28 does have a very detailed model, especially the cockpit, with a large number of textures, so it will be more likely to impact performance if there is insufficient RAM and/or VRAM to cope with all that detail. It’s one of the reasons why we opted to release with the 4K rather than 8K cockpit textures.
@GamingCat2130 We’ll look at fixing the galley panel screw issue. What issue are you seeing with the dome light? Note the divide between the white and red sections of the dome light will always look a bit strange in MSFS.
Martyn - Just Flight
@NORTMAR Regarding the audio level of the custom cabin music:
Normalizing to -27 seems too low.
Did you mean that in LUFS-I terms? Makes more sense that way and sounds more in sync with the other cabin sounds.
- The obnoxious horn is the gear warning sound, the button to shut it up is on the pedestal to the lower right ofg the throttles. I wouldn’t throttle down completely, they’re old & slow engines.
- Pull the speedbrake to slow down, it’s why it’s there
@NORTMAR I’ve got a noticeable performance hit on the ground, it’s not graphical related ( I have a 7900XTX that is half asleep most of the time ), I’m not going to claim it’s only the aircraft as I’ve got a lot of other stuff installed. It’s worse than the 146 though. The throttles overriding simconnect input is somewhat annoying.
You can turn the sound off with a button below the throttle like in the MD80s.
That’s why I always watch those nice tutorial videos from Just Flight before my first flight (well, then I spend hours on the ground, anyway) This aural warning is explained there.
Hi all, I find the flight instruments (ADI, HSI, RMI) and engines gauges difficult to read, they are a little bit blurry. All other textures are very good and sharp enough. If I move closer, it becomes better but I am not able to see outside after that . I found difficult to have a correct seat position and good read on instruments. That make IFR flight not comfortable moreover when flying VOR to VOR.
If I compare with the BAe 146, instruments are very good.
Other people have the same feeling?
Resolution 4K, all parameters ULTRA, TAA, directX 11…
Its the gear warning horn and can safely be canceled on the center pedestal.
Have you tried the 8K textures?
That is very interesting to know! I wonder if we can do that in the model, use flaps to control speed with the throttles at a constant output.
About instruments I think the sizing is ok, albeit I feel some other elements in the cockpit have strange dimensions.
What I found strange and I still don’t like is the coloring of the cockpit that to my eyes seems to be from a Fisher-Price toy. The F28s we have down here are very graysh and monochrome instead. I understand they based the cockpit in a real plane so those must be the right colors for that plane. Hopefully somebody will create a gray interior for the F28 to depict more the ones still flying.