Just Flight have announced the Fokker F28 Fellowship

That seems crazy.

“Coffee, tea, or oxygen mask?” :rofl:

Fancy name for crossbleed? dunno, its a very odd label…

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Know your classics! :smiley:

The poster was referring to the Lockheed JetStar (he mistyped it as JetStart). The reference was in regards to uncommon engine layout aircraft, like the IL62 and JetStar which have four at the back.

Actually, I would want Just Flight to make a historic turboprop airliner. Either their HS748, a Vickers Viscount or the Fokker F50.

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Or the YS-11 :laughing:


According to one of the youtubers, who was given a preview release version, JF is aiming to release F28 next week.

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I saw two streams about the F28, I hope they include an Argentinian Livery because -as far as I know- that is the last operating F28 in the world and I think they operate two of them.

About the streams I’m a big worried / disappointed about how the plane looks, the F28 cockpit I visited was very gray and monochrome, the one in the streams looks a bit fisher-price, a lot of colors, a lot of bright colors.
Textures in the streams I saw looked quite underwhelming for a premium add-on, some buttons knobs and instruments look too plastic and the 3D artificial horizon seemed to be made with paper.
The cabin is fine but the low-poly windows where a bit in the down side.
The exterior textures also didn’t look very nice, specially the engines.
Sounds were really awesome from both streams, great job there.

I noticed that too. I hope the youtuber used low graphics settings. He mentioned that pre-release version does not include 8K textures but they will be in the final version.

Is there some sort of unwritten rule I’m not aware to avoid at all cost to mention the actual ‘youtuber’ or ‘streamer’ you’ve been watching?

I know britishavgeek was streaming a preview stream, and I thought it looked good.


I would love to see a Jetstar and MD220 in MSFS one day.


Not at all!
The two streams I saw were from TwoToneMurphy and British AvGeek.

Hi Luis,

Many thanks for taking an interest in our F28 Professional and watching the preview videos! We’ll leave a few comments below to hopefully cover any concerns you may have:

  • An Argentine Air Force livery is included with the product. A full list of liveries is available on the F28 Professional in-development page: Just Flight - F28 Professional

  • The cockpit has been modelled and textured using an extensive amount of reference material gathered from a real F28 and input from F28 engineers. This includes a fairly extensive amount of wear and tear to make the aircraft “feel” like a well-used aircraft. Large amounts of time have been taken to ensure that the actual model, as well as the colours and textures used, are as accurate as possible to the real aircraft. It is worth noting that with so many cockpit windows, the appearance of colours and textures in the cockpit will change based on the current time of day and lighting settings, meaning that the cockpit will look much more monotone on a dull, cloudy day compared to a cloudless day. Please see some comparison images below that show how much the time of day and cockpit lighting can affect the cockpit:

  • The textures themselves are shipping in two formats, 4K and 8K as we want to give users as many options as possible. If we enabled the entire 8K cockpit textures by default, then that would likely use too much VRAM for users with medium to low-end hardware and cause a performance impact. There is a difference in the two texture sets that is most notable when you move your camera right up to the panels, but the difference is almost negligible when flying from the normal seating position. Youtube and Twitch compression can also play a small factor here in terms of video quality and sound quality.

  • The cabin shown in the first stream was the low poly exterior cabin that is only visible when flying the drone camera into the aircraft from the exterior. When accessing the cabin from the cockpit you will see the high-poly cabin with rounded window shades, decals, and the forward galley functionality. See the images below taken in the high poly cabin:

  • Similar to the cockpit, the exterior was also modelled and textured using reference material from the real aircraft, including realistic wear and tear to make the aircraft “feel” like it hasn’t just left the factory (hence the chipped paint and grease/oil stains around the engines). We really want to get the “well used” look nailed down as we much prefer it to a “fresh out of the factory” look.

  • We are glad to hear the sounds have been very well received! It’s always a big undertaking getting sound recordings of these older aircraft but we couldn’t be happy with the results our sound developer has delivered!

With that all being said, we always appreciate the feedback! Our door is always open if you have any feedback on any of our products and we always try and add as many community requests as possible post-release.

Mark - Just Flight


It was some random youtuber I’ve never came across before.


Thanks for the detailed reply. You know you have a day 1 customer here as usual.
Inlcuding the FAA F28 is great, hopefully it is TC-50,TC-52 or TC-53, did you check if those are the very last operational F28s in the world?

About textures and cabin I think your explanation suffices. Thanks for the huge dedication to the project!



I’m really looking forward to this release next week, can’t wait to spend time flying around Northern Canada turning virtual jet fuel into smoke and noise :grinning:

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F28 Professional will cost €64,95 / $69.99 USD / £52.49.

Thank you for the kind words. We hope you enjoy flying the F28 as much as we have enjoyed developing it!

The Argentine Air Force livery included in the product is registration T-50, a Mk.1000 in the white Argentine Air Force livery. We opted to include this registration as the other examples you mentioned (TC-50, TC-52, TC-53) are all Mk.1000C variants that feature a main cargo door on the forward fuselage.

Sadly there is so little source material out there for the main cargo door on the Mk.1000C and Mk.3000C that we weren’t confident enough in being able to model and animate the door as accurately as we would like. With that being said, the Mk.1000C and Mk.3000C are still variants we would like to add to the product in the future, but it would be dependent on us being able to access some high-quality source material. If anyone happens to have any, we’d love to hear from you!

In terms of the number of F28s still flying, I believe there are 4 examples still flying; two Mk 1000Cs with the Argentine Air Force (TC-52 and TC-53) and two with the Columbian Air Force; one Mk.1000 (FAC0002) and one Mk.3000C (FAC1041). These do occasionally show up on tracking sites too!

Mark - Just Flight


Well that is a real real real real pity as it would have been nice to have the last flying examples of the F28 represented in the product. I guess and strongly hope somebody might create the livery.

About the door I wouldn’t care much about it personally and would prefer to have the right gray livery of the planes flying today. If you ask me that door may not even be operative in the planes flying today!

Here is a very recent photo of TC-52, if you want to get access to it I might try to ask but you would probably need to visit Argentina.
Worth of note is that the 3 F28s in operation here belong to the air force but are used for civilian operations and routes.

I saw a couple extra streams by British Avgeek and Q8, I’m a little worried about the flight model as the plane seems to be all over the place in takeoffs and landings, the real F28 is quite gentle maybe it was the wind but in the case of British Avgeek he is usually a very good pilot and could barely control the plane in takeoff, should I be concerned?

We’d love to hear from you if you have any contacts with access to the aircraft. The best way to do that will probably be to create a support ticket with us and that will then get passed on to the relevant people:Just Flight - Support

We will be supplying a paint kit at release so hopefully the incredibly talented painters in the community can get involved in covering the liveries we were not able to. There are some really cool retro liveries that the aircraft carried! It’s always a tricky balance for us to choose what liveries to include with the product, as it’s not feasible to include every livery an aircraft has ever carried, but we always try to include as large a selection as possible.

With regards to flight models, we did discuss the flight models with our testers after the initial streams and we agreed the crosswind behavior in the F28 is comparable with other aircraft in the simulator in the same conditions. I’ve personally had 100+ landings with the aircraft over the testing period and I’ve never experienced any landing issues. So the situation in the streams may just be a combination of windy conditions in the UK this week, the streamer’s first flights in the aircraft, and possibly not having the sensitivity settings set to their preferences.

It is worth noting however, that the MTOW (Maximum Takeoff Weight) of the F28 Mk.4000 is 73,000 lb (33,112 kg) which is less than half the MTOW of a typical 737 or A320. That in addition to the T-Tail should make the F28 more susceptible to windy conditions. It also has low wings with a very small ground clearance, so if you’re not wings level during the flare, that can cause wing tip strikes (which we do have sound effects for!).

It’s all part of the fun of learning to fly a new aircraft though. Flight models are always a tricky feature to show off to people over video, but once users are able to fly the aircraft themselves, we are confident the flight model will feel realistic.

Mark - Just Flight


Ah. A paintkit! Looking forward to it even more now!

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