Just Flight Hawk T.1

As an improvement, it would be good if the reflections of the mirrors had better resolution as in DCS, or put a still image where the pilot is seen as in Dean’s F15, or failing that, have the possibility of adjusting the rear-view mirrors or an option in the EFB to be able to remove them completely

Due to a current quirk of MSFS, the cockpit showcase presets can be found under Camera > Showcase > Fixed Camera > External 10-14.

With the showcase camera selected, you can press ‘Ctrl+Shift+0’ to select External 10 and then ‘A’ to cycle through the others.

Martyn - Just Flight

Currently the only assignments are:

  • APU STARTER: Triggers the throttle lever start/relight button
  • AUTO START: Configures the essential controls for engine start, starts the GPS and then engine
  • TOGGLE/SET ENG1 FUEL VALVE: Controls the throttle lever latch
  • Support for various fuel pump and throttle assignments

Martyn - Just Flight

What’s the nax range with the optional tanks … and optimal altitude ?

I’d like to do RTW trip.

And then you’d be moaning about the framerates!

MSFS is NOT DCS. Apples and oranges.

I’m not sure of the exact figure but I managed over 1500nm at FL350 with drop tanks at M0.85


I have thrustmaster Hotas. I’m lost with trying to set up smoke toggles. Can someone explain how to map with the notes in the update please?

Cheers - got it.

@Magic6420, Here is yours truely practicing ahead of Thursday’s Alpine Magic event. The area looks amazing.



This is a forum. Opinions are by definition the substance of every post.


Fully agree. The Hawk T1 was already an incredible aircraft, but JF raised the bar even further. And indeed, jumping into the backseat in VR is nearly unbelievable. The best in-sim immersion I have ever encountered. Congratulations to the team.


Really loving this plane, it’s awesome.

Still getting to grips with landings and generally all the syetsm. Couple of times, in flight, the pitch trim seemed to somehow “jump” to be 5 degrees up, making it very difficult to fly of course until that’s corrected. It may have been something I’ve done or triggered by mistake, but wondered if anyone has seen anything similar?

Not sure of the exact circumstances - one of them was when I was trying to see how high I could go and then looking for a vertical dive and I couldn’t pitch the aircraft nose down from 31,000 feet becuase of this.

I suspect I’ve done something wrong somewhere.

@NORTMAR Any update on the Xbox progression? Really can’t wait

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How do you get the stopwatch to work ? I wind it up with scroll wheel but still doesent work ?

Just press, instead of rotate, the same button. Press again to stop, then press the rightmost button to reset.

Something is bugged about clicking stuff in VR it works about 20% of the time. It seems to be working better since I turned of the blue tooltips thingy but still not usable for me in vr.

A question:
My version says 0.1.2.
Is that the latest version now and it actually means v1.2?
Cannot find a 1.1 anywhere…

They just released a fix for the EFB unauthorized issue, so the current version is 0.1.2. Update change logs - v0.1.2 released (edited 10/11/21) | Just Flight Community

So there never was a 1.1 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

All clear, thank you!

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Well, there was, but it only lasted about 3 days.