Just Flight Hawk T.1

I bought it , flew around 10 times , found too many issues so it’s been in hangar ever since , still has throttle issue, 50% throttle gives max engine power/rpm
I also get a lot of bounce back on controls , it oscillates when removing input
I also get a weird uncommanded roll to left on take off every once in a while , happens even in zero wind conditions
Until its fixed I wouldn’t waste your money on it , in my opinion.


Ah ok , think i will give that a miss then,thanks for the info.

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The problems have been around for some months now.

  1. No response with rpm until the throttle is pulled back approx 50% - I can work with that, however….
  2. Trim is impossible, with or without the sensitivity slider , I just cannot get the aircraft trimmed out. I can’t think of any other aircraft I have this problem with.
    This is a high precision aerobatics aircraft, for me personally, the trim problems I have are unacceptable.

If one is only flying the Mach Loop or other hills and valleys fully hands on, then the aircraft is fine.
But if one wants to trim and have a full throttle range …. It’s not.
(I’m flying the latest version, I downloaded it again directly before tonight’s flight)

  • I’d love it for someone to say ‘try this….’ and the trim works!
    It’s an aircraft I had such high hopes for.
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Anyone know if you can change tablet from lbs to kg?

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Does it change if you change the units in the sim settings?

Not, I’ve always had everything in kgs in the sim menus as based in Europe, but the efb shows in lbs

Ah , right , wasn’t sure , haven’t used the hawk for a while since its not working properly on xbox
There’s no mention in the efb manual about changing so I don’t think it’s possible?

The sim is US measurment based. Unfortunately it doesn’t convert to metric correctly. I discussed this with another dev recently, its a sim bug.

Apologies, I missed your post. Fortunately Asobo finally added a way for us to control the default external camera viewpoint in a recent Sim Update.

Please try using this cameras.cfg (goes in the aircraft folder, overwriting the original): Download

That will be included in the next update.

Martyn - Just Flight


Awesome thank you

Just tried it and unfortunately no it hasn’t changed the distance it is still not the same distance as 0.1.7 or before

Are you using the Marketplace version? It’s working here but I’m using our version without the Marketplace DRM. We might need to push out the full update before it works for the Marketplace version but I’ll have another look.

Martyn - Just Flight


Thanks I’m also using the Just flight version and I have both 0.1.7 and 0.1.9 installed but temporarily uninstalled 0.1.7 to try this out

With our latest version installed and that cameras.cfg, I see this default external camera viewpoint:

It is these values that should be affecting that. The Z position (currently -5) can be changed to something like -8 to move the camera further back from the aircraft.

Guid =“{3DB9C091-8862-4144-8741-EC94BF6498ED}”

InitialZoom =0.64

InitialXyz = 0, 0, -5

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Thanks but that is still zoomed in for me if go back to version 0.1.7 or before and you will see the difference

Is the external camera tied to the flight model for some reason and not the wing span? As you didn’t change anything with the camera with the latest update but only the flight model also if you try the alternative flight model from flightsim.to with update 0.1.9 it changes the external camera back to how it was with 0.1.7

Yes, the external camera view is linked to the flight model, which changed since v0.1.7. The SDK outlines the logic they use:

  • For airplanes the distance will be (depending on circumstances)
    • the wingspan multiplied by 1.2 or,
    • the shadow sphere radius multiplied by 1.75 or,
    • the wing chord (calculated by wing area and wingspan) multiplied by the camera_distance_coefficient or,
    • 11 meters by default in case of failed data loading.

That is overridden though by using the cameras.cfg method of defining DEFAULT_CHASE. We’ll revisit the exact camera position when we come to release the next update but in the meantime you could play around with the XYZ and zoom values that I’ve given above to achieve your desired view.


Thank you I really appreciate you taking time to look at this

When are we getting an update to address all the issues lately? Especially the ones on Xbox? I’ve got a nice png of a hawk instead of a flyable aircraft, it’s a n expensive hangar queen right now.


They did state that they are currently working to complete Tomahawk first. Be patient they will be good to their word

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