I’ve submitted a ticket regarding the storm window. So they should be aware of it by now, if not already.
Any engine sound difference?
Are there any further developments planned for the Arrow and Warrior series?
I love this airplane but the cockpit textures are a bit lacking in some areas (for example these strange colored struts to the left and right of the flap lever - they are either medium grey or black in all Arrow cockpit pictures I have googled, but they never look like this.)
These two strange strut textures should be reworked, otherwise a perfect cockpit.
Just Flight truly makes beautyful planes, they should create another Piper but this time a twin-engine, for example the Piper Navajo…
Hi People
I can’t find a dedicated thread for the Turbo Arrow so here goes.
I bought this plane a while ago and I seem to have a problem with mine.
It shakes violently in even a little bit of wind. Even if I turn the wind off completely it still has a shake every now and then. Its basically unflyable in live weather.
I’ve watched reviews and people have nice smooth flights but not me.
Am I missing something.
It feels like I am flying a kite rather than a plane.
Could be the current overdone thermal turbulence. Try a flight at dawn or dusk and see if it still does it.
This is an issue that a lot of users are reporting, ever since one of the last sim updates. Please note that the Arrows were one of the very first planes that got released almost 2 years ago. Much has changed since then in the sim. Unfortunately the Arrow/Warrior line hasn‘t seen an update for a very long time.
Apparently the dev is working on a flight model update.
A day ago, Just Flight responded in the other Arrow thread that they are testing an update to fix this.
Oh great thanks. I will wait. Thanks for the responses everyone.