This airport is in the Denver area, so of course it’s not Detroit.
Hi @Bahnzo3217 ,
Moved to User Support Hub ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs since this issue has already been reported and closed with the following comment “Marked as Won’t Fix at this time.”:
Also, when reporting an issue in the Bug Reporting Hub please don’t delete the provided template .
I reported it AGAIN, because there’s no reason this bug shouldn’t be fixed. This is a popular field in a large metropolitan area.
And the template had no relevance to this bug. It’s a simple report, why require someone to fill out all that?
The form gathers the necessary information to cover most potential defect reports. Otherwise, you get one liner posts that don’t even enable peer users, let alone Triage Ingestion to repro, which is Step 2 to validate a defect report.
Step 1 of course is always disable all Add-Ons, Community or External.
Along with @CasualClick’s comment, it may be that the data in the template is automatically imported into a SQL database. No data = no import.
This has been a problem that has persisted for 4 years now. Think of this more as a reminder it still exists. Seriously, there’s no excuse for it being marked as “won’t fix”. That’s crazy…