KDFW Ground texture problem

Additional information to provide in this case, is that disabling the photogrammetry resolve the issue on the airport, so it seems to be related to it. Question is why.

Attached a video showing this finding.

I did all that testing, and after installing the WU10, even uninstalling it will not solve unless you disable the photogrammetry.

I reinstalled MSFS2020, and before installing WU10 all was good, but the issue start presenting after WU10 was installed (really I installed all of the WUs)

I reinstalled MSFS2020 after removing everything, and after installing all the world updates the issue presented itself. I posted a video showing that only disabling photogrammetry seems to solve the issue.

It drives me crazy that this sim is such a masterpiece sometimes, but it manages to produce so many unacceptable, borderline game-breaking (and sometimes actually game-breaking) bugs and issues like this that get solved at a snails pace.

Would it kill them to have someone keep an eye out on the forums for lesser known, high impact bug reports like this? This has been happening since last year., what a joke. Do they not know? Do they not care because theyā€™re busy working on some other issue thatā€™s only a minor inconvenience but has more votes and therefore higher priority?

Donā€™t get me started on the fact Asoboā€™s TNCM has been conflicting with Airworthy Designsā€™ TNCM since the release of the 40th Anniversary Edition. Canā€™t uninstall Asoboā€™s version, so my other option is to uninstall the $20 payware, since itā€™s still unusable.

Garbage like this makes me sympathize with the FS2024 cynics. Unacceptable, Asobo.


Same issues here with DFW. I originally posted this in the AAU2 beta and they have subsequently marked it as resolved. This is anything but the case as the issue persists. No third party addons and I have tried turning off photogrammetry. Turning off photogrammetry appears to fix the elevation and appearance issues, but it also causes many of the jetways to not fully appear.

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Yep definitely not fixed. I even did a fresh install because I got a new driveā€¦still persists. The only solution is to uninstall WU10. Thatā€™s the culprit. They have to look at WU10 in particular.

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Can confirm. still the same

same horrible issue here as well. It used to be fine a few weeks ago

Still broken. Missing blurred textures, taxiing to runway 35L has missing parts and the plane will sink and crash into it, lows and highs and bumps. I hope they fix this. I was looking for a KDFW pay ware to buy but there is none. I wonā€™t be flying in or out of KDFW until itā€™s resolved.


New to this thread but not the issue:

Same problems here, been that way for me for at least 2 months, decided to bite the bullet last night and flew out of Dallas to Little Rock in the MD-82, both DFW and LIT have this issue, at LIT the two bridges leading to the terminal are literal pits about 60ft wide.

Had a similar issue at SEA, runway blurred and running up a mountain to the south of the airport, ā€œā€ā€œā€œfixedā€ā€ā€œā€ it by purchasing a 3rd party rendition of KSEA. This issue has remained unfixed and is unfortunately at a large amount of aiports.

Wish someone would push out a 3rd party DFW, glad to have IAH as the default was terrible, but I miss flying the mad dog outta Dallas :frowning:

Lotta memories flying outta there as a kid on the MD80 in the 2000s.

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I just found this thread while searching hoping it wasnā€™t just my KDFW thatā€™s broken. Iā€™m really disappointed to see that this was posted so very long ago and thereā€™s no been absolutely no progress or acknowledgement. Hopefully we can get some more visibility on this

Loaded into the cargo ramp and saw the textures were blurry I thought ok not s huge issue, itā€™s MSFS it happens.

Taxing out there was a huge fissure that sent my plane up when going over, continuing onto the taxiway there were multiple huge fissures some almost impossible to cross.

I finally made it to runway 18L to start my takeoff roll only to be thrown up in the air and rolled backwards after hitting an invisible bump.

If I may ask, how do I please remove just the KDFW scenery for now without effecting any of the photogrammetry or anything around the area? As it is right now the airport is completely broken and not flyable in or out.

Thank you.


I can confirm that there are problems since the new texas world update. I had made a flight from Miami to Dallas everything went smoothly until I landed, the terrain looked very blurry and the airport hadnā€™t loaded the scenery properly, the runway was missing too (13R)

After the frustrating landing I did a short test flight from Houston again with the 747-8 and this time I noticed again that the terrain hadnā€™t loaded properly but this time the airport was loaded perfectly.

Something is not right in the area, i had never had such a problem.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OPā€™s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Sam exact issue. Three large texture bumps in 36R @ DFW

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

I can confirm that, I land there yesterday I hope they fix it

Is there currently ANY way to properly use DFW? With or without the hand-crafted airport (and the Texas update for that matter) multiple large fissures exist across the runway.

Iā€™ve tried removing both the DFW Asobo airport and the Texas update, no matter how I attempt to use this airport itā€™s just completely broken

Itā€™s a large US hub and Iā€™d love to make it at least useable.

Iā€™d even buy the 5.99 DFW scenery thatā€™s currently on sale but I fear the fissures and terrain imbalances would still be present.

What are you all on Xbox doing who fly out of DFW?


I can confirm this is happening on Xbox Series X with all world updates installed as well.

Does anyone know how to make DFW flyable at this point? Iā€™ve tried removing the Asobo handcrafted airport but thereā€™s still giant fissures in the middle of the runway.

Iā€™d even buy the DFW scenery thatā€™s on sale for 6 dollars at the moment if I knew it would give me a flyable DFW but Iā€™m worried the big fissures and bumps will still be there as they seem to present with or without the hand-crafted airport

At this point I just want a DFW that can be used, as it stands now itā€™s not useable and Iā€™m not able to use for any departures or arrivals which sucks as itā€™s a major hub and busy airport for a lot of carriers.

This is happening to me as well. Whatā€™s got me puzzled is that I lose all click function on the PMDG aircraft. I canā€™t click any buttons or change anything in the cockpit as soon as I land in KDFW. The only thing I can think of is an WASM package reordering issue?

  • Also, disabling photogrammety does indeed solve the issue for me. It appears to have been broken post the Texas City Update. I wonder if its residual that were meant for Dallas as it was not include in the city update that ended up corrupting ground masks for the airport.

Any update from Asobo/MS on this? I fly in/out of KDFW a lot, and basically, the airport is useless. So disappointing.

Can confirm same issues here. Ground textures blurry or not loading, elevation issues that cause damage to aircraft etc. Horrible mess.

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I think buying a marketplace airport would solve the issue, it certainly solved the terrain issues with Asoboā€™s Denver scenery.

The only reason I havenā€™t thus far is because I hadnā€™t seen one available on the Marketplace.

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