Keep your Heads down Asobo

No, I don’t see it your way. Your way is the equivalent of not helping the minorities or the ones in need. I’d prefer asobo and society treat everyone with respect no matter what they’re dealing with.

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OK, a very short elaboration, but we might now be getting to the root of your problem (about heads or their content). It may be off-topic but I think if we can help you quickly, the thread could thereafter remain on-topic.
What exactly do you mean. I can only understand what your are saying is that you want me and all other users to join you in complaining on every thread?

How is Asobo or society not treating you with respect? I really think you should start your own thread to address this issue. Please elaborate on such thread.

For those interested who may not know, the Block Users function is hidden in the Preferences/Notifications/Users area.


Should I close this post? I wanted something positive and it is turning into a toxic cesspool of argument. Is there any point to keeping it at this point?


There are certain antagonistic individuals whose aim seems to be to get threads closed down. Simply ignore or block them.

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Who’s good or bad heavily depends on what your views are. Also, takes two sides to tango.

Do what you wish with your thread Fly.

Once upon a time people were judged by the character. No social justice based nonsense to adhear to. Times have certainly changed but this isn’t progress.

Someone who lives their life to the worst is still on par with those who make something and give back to their society?

Are you claming that it doesn’t actually matter what an individual does in his life as long as there are people who support such a lifestyle?

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Geez. It’s just a s**t storm that never ends.

Asobo, if your reading this and wish to remain psychosis free, here’s your takeaway:

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  2. Beg, borrow or steal an MiB neuralyzer and self administer it. Then re-read the very first post in this thread and move on.

You’re a great team.


Thank you Asobo


< insert confused meme here >

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I enjoy your stuff. Thank you and CaptainLIF for bringing positivity back. I struggle whether to keep this post up or not.


They received LOTS of criticism ever since the release, probably because of the hype around the sim. The way I see it, Asobo/MS accomplished the unthinkable, which in itself means A LOT.

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