King Air 350i eXtreme Review - by Perfect Flight Discussion


As always mate, keep up the great work, and thanks for continually taking one (or three in this case) for the team. :+1::grin:

Chris Dalby.


Great detective work Dave!

This is exactly what I was worried about when MS opened the market allowing MSFS material to be sold on sites like Simmarket, Aerosoft etc. I really wish that everything would be kept in house so uploads could be verified before going to market.

Further, I have purchased 3 airports so far, all of which will have to be updated using tools from Flightbeam, FSDreamteam and Orbx. Instead of everything being on one site I will have to remember to check for updates myself while running the appropriate utility.

The market ecosystem needs an overhaul.

1 Like

I don’t think they “allowed” anything. They can’t stop anyone selling third party mods, on any platform they choose to advertise them on. The only thing they can control access to is their own marketplace.

Very tricky conversation with the wife,

wife: so how did you get ripped off 3 times?

me: you see, its very tricky wording


They wouldn’t have to stop anything if MSFS related material was only sold at the MS Marketplace.

My point is they can’t. They provided an SDK, the cat is out of the bag.

Tell her to read the comments section on YouTube, and here, she’ll understand. :grin::woman_shrugging:


The MS Marketplace is hardly a consumer beacon - look at the Kitfox on there, plus you have to wait weeks for anything to be updated. I’m happy with the current system, it works like X-Plane, buyers just need to be a bit more savvy and not push the Buy button straight away.


I do agree with you to a certain extent. But for us simmers that have been buying s**t for years on all the market places, we know what to look out for. Newbies don’t. They literally go by the description. Hence why @trevoC655 is doing an outstanding job of highlighting these Charlatans. We the flightsim community have a duty to call out the shady developers as well, to keep our hobby as untarnished as possible. And I think we are doing a pretty good job.


And I will also say, when you have these developers putting in many hours for free, reconstructing default aircraft A32NX project etc
 SimToolkitPro and the like, that we recognise this, and shout their names from the roof tops. For every shady throbber, there is a Salty, and it makes me proud to be a part of the community.


Totally agree, I’m just not sure I want products only in one place - that’s a monopoly. It’s nice to have the option to give the money directly to the developer, as I’m sure items in the MS Marketplace have a seller’s fee placed on them by MS?

We certainly need guys like @trevoC655 calling out these charlatans and we also have a good community here, so long may it continue.


Thank you so much for your honest reviews. As far as I know you are the only person making them.


First clue of something fishy
 spelling; right there in the first sentence. Just like spam email.

On the website for this aircraft:
“Here is the complete rappresentation (sic) of the most popular business turboprop in the world.” :wink:


[quote=“EmergencyNICK, post:14, topic:306601”]
This certainly looks like one of them.
[/quote] and trevoC655

Well this certainly blew up over my night. The link to the ‘Flight Calibration Systems’ KA350 is in fact my repaint. I use the tag Crankpin on as that was the tag I used for years of repaints for FSX.
I can assure you that I have absolutely nothing to do with this 350 eXtreme nonsense, heaven forfend :slight_smile:
But i can also say that from looking at the screenshots that I don’t think my FCS repaint has been ripped off either, I can see enough differences.
I did a number of KA350 repaints for the Milviz KA350 in FSX (a superb model to paint) including a couple that are in this xTreme pack and ummm you can imagine what I think.

Thanks trevoC655 for this thread, the warning is more than justified.
I do still think ‘caveat emptor’ but maybe thats because I’m old and it’s a lesson that only experience teaches.


Originally I had a joke about that spelling as it may have been an attempt for the developer to say he told us it was only “wraps” of the aircraft or liveries therefore a complete rappresentation.

lol, when I did the voice over it didn’t sound as funny.

3 Likes has both refunded my money without any hassle or complications and notified me that they have changed the product description which I have confirmed.

Full emails back and forth above in the 3’rd post.


In the past I’ve have had my freeware paints included in packages ripped to cd’s or dvd’s and sold on ebay, and other places.
When you paint long enough, just like a mama penguin in a sea of infant chics, you can identify your own, hehe.
When you paint airliners, its hard to sometimes claim someone ripped your work, because, well
if painted right they all look the same (kind’a the point of an airline livery). :slight_smile:
I started incorporating a small, unique pixel pattern into my texture maps just to combat this should I ever need to prove its mine, or conversely disprove I copied from someone else. It’s a sad world we live in that we have to take these measures, but its reality.

I’m glad you found pretty easily that this was not your paint, heaven knows what kinda’ additional KRAP-storm they’d be in if they were also caught using freeware author’s work in a payware product! :slight_smile:


In my best Aussie accent
“Good on ya 'mate!”
Glad it both worked out for you
and hopefully all parties involved have learned a valuable lesson, with the added benefit of your original cause of making the simmers, new to the simming world, safer from unscrupulous devs who caved to the temptation to make a fast buck in hopes nobody was watching
 @trevoC655 IS WATCHING! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Sure can :slight_smile: for me it’s usually the wee mistakes or work-arounds I’d used that I recognize

flightsim have so far been the easiest site to deal with. Seems like there are actually people on the other end. Quick return and responses and concern it seems.


OK, I did not know about the Asobo content in the product. That is a different problem from an incorrect product description. But before tarring this vendor, do consider they’ve been around for twenty years and have created lots of flightsim products; this isn’t some shady guy in a basement trying to get rich quick. It also wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had someone accidentally include things in a zip file they did not mean to include so don’t jump to conclusions on intent.

I don’t feel the need to issue a statement, but I hope you see that we listened to you and treated you fairly.

–Nels Anderson



Thank you Nels,

I believe that you have done both of those things. I think you’ll find I’m extremely fair in my judgements and do not make them in haste.

I also do not take these accusations lightly. Unfortunately, it is already been concluded (via e-mails from the actual vendor to another e-tailer that have been shared with me) that the vendor knowingly included these assets in his distribution. I’m not implying any intent here, just stating known facts.

This was not a mistake by the vendor. This might be easier to overlook if it were not accompanied by marketing material that implied that this was a full-scale model. Enough so that another e-tailer believed it as such.

I do appreciate your time in this regard and would ask you two questions that I would like to include in my review of your website.

  1. Will you be removing this copyrighted material from your store?

  2. Will you offer those who have already downloaded it compensation in some form or an outright return (preferred) for this product if they wish?

Thank you Nels,

Dave - NOTAM