King Air C90 - buyer beware

The original warning thread has been closed down but I feel it’s important to keep an active warning on the forum.

This marketplace exclusive add-on aircraft has been confirmed by more than one user to not work at all.

You should not buy this aircraft.


Yeah, they really don’t deal well with criticism.

That being said, the thread was starting to go a bit off the rails.

Buyer beware is valid now…after the fact! However upon release it was not valid. The plane was announced in the Dev Update! There is or was no reason to question it at that point beyond if its not something you want! I mean you expect anything announced in a dev update to be ok right? ASOBO are not liars and seem transparent…God knows what happened on this one! I guess they didi not try/test it.

Just to be clear, I know that 2 of us have bought it and experienced the same issues… It does not even move at full throttle on the ground, and has some major issues with the avionics.

Please be careful with this!

It does beg the question what would happen if a dev. tried to slip in a livery with some racist imagery on it, taking it to its ludicrous extremes. If they don’t check the planes that hit the Marketplace, then this would slip through.

Now look it from the other side of the coin, and they do in fact check what goes on there…then this slipped through.

This is a lose/lose situation on these grounds alone.


Closing this as a duplicate topic. will reopen after reviewing.