King Air Question

Have decided to start flying the King Air but having a problem with the PFD. I can hit full, split or menu on the console and can’t get anything to change. All I have is a split screen with nothing on the right hand side. Does anyone know how to fix this? I’ve attached an image to show you what I have. Thanks

I don’t know but if you can’t find a solution you might consider installing the G3X improvement mod from Working Title who are official members of the Flight Sim team.

Moved to Community Support as this seems a request for community assistance.

Thanks HethrMasn, that solved my problem!

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If you hover with your mouse over the PFD and left click, you will have some additional options. Left click a 2nd time will make the window go away

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Good job. What causes half the screen to go black though? Does it look like that after loading into the flight without touching anything? After starting the plane, or what?

Let me land first, I will hump in the kingair and make some more screenshots.
From the OP’s picture it is not clear how he got there, what buttons he pushed

There are basicly 3 ways to change the different windows in the PFD of the KA.
1/Left click in the middle of the HSI on the PFD.
This gives you:

Left click on the same spot to make it go away

2/Left click on the Right-top buttom labeled ‘Split’
This gives you;

Note , that the top right button has changed to Full. Left clicking on it restores the PFD

3/Use the Menu button on the console between the chairs

This gives you:

All 3 buttons are on/of, meaning press once the feature is activated, press twice the feature deactivates.
No idea how the OP got there, but my advice is to power the AC down, power her up and look at each scenario carefully and take your time😊

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No idea, trying to reproduce it. But there seems to be something wrong with his plane. The top right button shows ‘full’. This means that in the right window there should be a map displayed
Does your 2nd display right of the PFD show a map?

The bottom line of his display was also missing timer, temperature, time, digits. And the black half of his screen took up a larger portion than it does in any of your screenshots. Weird.

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Could it be a mod causing issues? Does the G1000 NXi cause conflict, or one of the GTN750 mods? Just throwing out ideas.


I was also guessing mod or corrupted installation. I personally haven’t seen any conflicts with the NXi.

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That would be my guess as well

My problem with it is that it should have either a Proline 21 or a Proline Fusion flight deck instead of some Garmin. I’m staying away from the Kingair for that reason. I flew the Kingair in real life, if someone could produce a Proline 21 version I would be more than happy.


As far as I know the pm50 gtn750 does not have a King Air plugin, no idea about the TDS gtn750.

Not familiar with this line of flight deck.
Googling for it shows that this avionics upgrade is installed in a lot of ac
Does it look like this? (Milviz’s Kingair 350 for P3D)

Would be nice if you could share some pictures and educate us :grinning:

Its the same avionics as in the default CJ4, weirdly Asobo chose to put some kind of Garmin in it while they have a Proline 21 flight deck in the CJ4. The more modern ones have Proline Fusion which looks the same, just bigger screens and all this fancy synthetic vision stuff of course.

I never flew the Proline Fusion, this is what it is supposed to look like:

Thank you for sharing :grinning:
Did not know this about Asobo’s CJ4, have not taken that bird into the skies yet.
As for RWA the KingAir 350 always looks impressive

I think pro-line 21 (as in your MilViz photo) is still the most popular. Its a really good avionics suite and weirdly enough it is already in MSFS, why they didn’t put it in the Kingair is a mystery to me. This makes the Kingair a fantasy plane for me, it is possible to do a retrofit to Garmin but not this budget G3X, I doubt any Kingair is flying around like that. Otherwise the flight model is (or was) awful with a severe lack of drag from the props, too high flight idle. Maybe it got fixed meanwhile.

They leave some room for modders ? :roll_eyes: