KingAir reverse thrust

I am trying to assign the reverse thrust to a button on my logitech throttle quadrant; specifically button 8 which is activated when the propeller axis is pulled all the way to the stop. I tried “Hold propeller revers thrust” and “Toggle propeller reverse thrust”. Neither worked. Any hints on how to assign a controller button to the reverse thrust.
In a related question, what is the difference in propeller reverse thrust and engine reverse thrust?


Search reverse thrust, there are a couple ways to do it.

Try “Throttle Decrease”.

The Saitech quad lever buttons act as press and hold, like holding down a keyboard button.
Here is one very simple way to set it up & works for all default a/c that have reverse available.
This is for single and twin engine with the ability to engage engines seperately. You can not control the pitch/rpm/% this way however.

To engage reverse:
move throttle lever(s) past the idle detent and leave them there.
This will start reverse and then will increase to the default reverse pitch/rpm/% limit. (limit varies by a/c).
To stop reverse:
move the throttle lever(s) back up past the detent into throttle range just a little, then back to idle postion, before the detent.

There are other ways, but this is simple to use and simple to map for the Saitech Quad.

Usually when you set the button for it, the idea is to go to 0 on the throttle, then hit the thrustreverser button and move the throttle forwards to increase RPM… to stop it, decrease throttle, and when at 0, release the reverse thrust button. And sorry, no clue how the throttle quadrant from Logi works in this way, but the guys above this comment seem to know.



For simplicity:
Propeller= the blade angle is mechanically changed, instead of pulling, they push.
Engine= various mechanical methods, but it’s the exhaust that is redirected.

So, engine reverse thrust would be for jets and propeller reverse thrust would be for turbo props?

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That’s basically it. :grinning:
Thrust Reverse