Propeller reverse thrust set up

Hi All,
Could someone talk me through how to map prop reverse thrust correctly. At the moment I have a selection for “toggle reverse thrust” and a lever set to propeller axis “Joystick R-axis X”
When I toggle reverse thrust the Prop pitch lever immediately goes to feather. And when I advance the throttle it goes into the reverse thrust range but of course the prop has feathered. This the same on all Turbo props.
On jet engines I select toggle reverse trust, the thrust reverses deploy and when I advance throttle the engine thrust increases to max reverse. Works fine. I have set throttle axis "Joystick L-axis Z "
Any help, as always, will be most appreciated.

another binding called ‘Hold Reverse Thrust’ (you hold that button) try that ?
(I noticed MSFS does some erratic button state sync for some type of buttons, not good)

I use a button set to “Toggle Throttle Reverse Thrust.” It’s not exactly realistic in function, but it works. Once I’m at idle and rolling on the runway, I press that button and then advance the throttle. In the sim, I see the power lever(s) moving in reverse into the beta and reverse regions and I get reverse thrust.

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You can do it without a button. When I get home I’ll post images of my blindings, as well as the sensitivity curves I’m using.

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I have a button mapped to “decrease throttle”. Hold the button down and it decreases throttle into reverse until you release the button.

These are bindings I am using:

The bit that makes it work is on the sensitivities interface:


The “Neutral” setting specifies the point where you cross into reverse thrust. My TQ6+ has a detent for idle, so I simply rest both throttles at this detent, then adjust the “Neutral” point so that the dot as shown above rests on the horizontal line. Forward thrust is below the line, and the steeper curve above the line is reverse thrust.

No button necessary, and you can alter the amount of reverse thrust as well by simply moving the lever further aft.

Thanks very much for all the suggestions. leave it with me and I will let you know how I get on.

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Ok its all sorted. I just made sure that I had nothing mapped against the prop and left it to the throttle to do the reverse on both turbo prop and jet aircraft.
Thanks for the help.

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