Kodiak 100; Worth The Price?

Judging by the number of repaints I see on various forums, the recently released Kodiak 100 seems extremely popular…Is it worth the price? Is it a notch above many of the disappointing paywares? Thanks for the advice! (I have a little Christmas money left over!)

It’s a notch above, and well supported.


No-one can tell you if it will be worth it to you or not, it depends on what you like and your budget.

To me it is definitely worth it, I was looking forward to it for a long time probably because I watch a lot of videos on youtube by missionarybushpilot.

It is the most modern STOL plane in real life and in the sim. I enjoy those videos even more now that I have been flying the kodiak in msfs.


After the latest patch, SWS has delivered a truly exquisite fling experience with the Kodiak 100. I was one of the ardent complainers about the aircraft’s inability to climb sloped runways during initial release. The latest patch resolves that issue. This thing is about as perfect a plane anyone could wish for in the sim. And I have a good many third-party aircraft. Of all of them, this is one of the best.


If you do end up buying it (and I highly recommend it) buy it from the developer. I bought it from another vendor and am still waiting for them to upload the fix for the flight model SWS released last Friday.


There’s plenty of reviews online. Take a few minutes and search them out. ‘Worth’ is subjective. Only you can decide that.

In short, it’s a gem.


If you get it direct from SWS its a good price I would say. I see ORBX are selling it at a higher price. I just bought it today and really enjoy it.


Thanks! Getting out the credit card!

Yes go for it. But as others have said, buy direct from the main developer if you can. Otherwise you may pay more and be waiting for updates. I’ve been stung by this a few times until I released this. (And this includes items that are available in the marketplace, ie. Flying Iron Spit).

The Kodiak is an absolute beauty. Works great with the G1000nxi too.

And I’m still using the pre patch version, due to purchasing from Just Flight who still haven’t released the update.


It depends on how much accuracy you want and need.
It has one bug: The engine gauges of the Garmin instrumentation have no description (and this will probably never be taken care off and never fixed).
Depending on how much accuracy you want, this can be a huge disappointment because what has been seen, cannot be unseen - and this bug is very obvious whenever you want to check the technical status of your turbine.

It is the same problem as the missing weather radar in the CRJ or the cabin and cockpit heater bug of the PMDG Cloudmaster:
You will always know that there is something wrong and/or something missing, you will impatiently wait until it get´s patched… but it probably never-ever will be taken care of because it is considered “good enough as it is” for even for the most detail-loving modders who made the G1000 cockpit for the vanilla stock Baron and Bonanza realistic to the last pixel, or impossible to fix because of the faulty and unfinished SDK.

If you say “I don´t care there is no engine damage model anyway so it can be flown full throttle from the take-off till the descent” well the visuals of these plane are absolute superb. This plane is always waiting for adventures, here with a scenery I installed to get the same experience as JayDee in one of his videos:

I want a Jurassic Park addon giving me good 3D models of velociraptors and T-Rex, that would be even better than these rather small alligators :slight_smile:

And here is the problem with the engine gauge, only meters but the real plane has descriptions of what these meters show:

Here is how it should look like:

The 3D model and the interior are absolute wonderful:

The second problem is that the cargo net is missing when having the cargo bay not fully loaded up to the brim:

And there should be cargo nets between the three rows of cargo loading.

If you buy the Kodiak 100 you will get a superb highest quality 3D model without any flaws (except the Garmin 1000 engine gauge bug, the cargo nets are not really a bug but only how it should be loaded for safety reasons.)
The textures are PERFECT the visuals are PERFECT so yes it is worth the price.
Especially when thinking of Bredotrash3D or the A-10 or the Boeing 7477 and other lowest quality abominations on the brink of online-fraud you get for 30-40 Dollars, the Kodiak 100 is a true gem and one of the best planes you can buy if you want something similar to the Cessna Caravan.

And let us hope that some modder is taking care of this engine gauge problem, if this is fixed the Kodiak 100 would the first plane that can be considered als “100% flawless PERFECTION” :wink:


If you buy this product is better to buy it directly in their website, unfortunately I already bought it in Simmarket and still hasn’t released any update yet…

Just Flight. Someone on their forum asked about it and they said they would upload it ASAP…that was almost 2 days ago now. Seriously, I don’t know how some of these guys stay in business.

They develop decent planes though…loved their Turbo Arrows.

Edit: Oops…replied to myself lol. Should be to JazzSam.

The gauges are a WT G1000 Nxi thing (early acces so still in development) not something SWS can solve without further development of WT (SWS did all what was possible atm, without modding a mod that is still in development what is a bad idea anyway imho)
I’m sure SWS will make this right when trim overlay is available on the Nxi and the gauges can be modified to look like on the real Nxi.


Maybe useful information: I send a ticket to JustFly about this update and have email confirmation that they back to work on 29th of December after Christmas break.


Yup me too. And saw it on their forum. Not a huge thing I guess. :slight_smile:

Waiting for xbox release :confused:

The Kodiak is highly recommended and is in my opinion one of the best aircrafts released for MSFS so far.

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The update has been on Simmarket for a while. They didn’t add a separate update, they replaced the whole package. It is named “Installer_SWS_Kodiak_Wheels_MSFS_20211224.zip”.

Its great. I’m really enjoying it. It was good marketing (or just well timed) to get it out before the Twin Otter as I think for a lot of people the two planes will directly compete. I love the little details like having avatar models for passengers if you load them in as additional weight.