Caravan with performance mod is great, but unfortunately the main dev of that mod is stepping away.
Still, it’s open source so you can tweak it yourself.
The Kodiak is very nice but, as noted by many, the flight model is definitely off (no matter how you might try to defend it). I can fly the Kodiak just fine btw, even into PNG tight strips like Boridi (Porter shown below), but it’s not as solid as the Caravan or Milviz Porter atm. Yes, I know about sensitivity settings and different controller profiles, and no, that’s not where the problem lies. As OP notes even the dev of the Kodiak admits it currently has “issues”.
It was way better before the last couple of updates (when they added the dodgy ESP system, then reverted it) which turned it into a twitchy pitch porpoise, but hopefully the upcoming FM update will take it back to where it used to be good. Last I heard they were not going to release that until SU10, which wasn’t a good idea considering how twitchy the current FM is.
We’ll see!
-------------------------------------------------------Copy/Pasta from SWS Facebook July 7th 2022
[SimWorks Studios]
A bit late, but with good reason, here is an update on the Kodiak packages.
A big flight model update was delivered to us this past week, which will improve the response of the aircraft. Many people complained that the plane was very sensitive to pitch input, something we attributed to the short travel that most desktop yokes have. After a long time of tweaking and balancing, the next update will improve this aspect of the Kodiak’s handling.
Additionally, the plane was low on power after SU8. The new flight model significantly improves that issue.
Next, the float plane: the flight dynamics are done, and the plane can float reasonably well (?), given MSFS’ flight model limitations. We want to fine-tune some bits with the ground handling and a couple of code bugs, and the plane will be ready to go to Daher for final checks.
Our intention is to release the update to the wheeled Kodiak and the Amphibian variant after SU10 is out, in order to take advantage of the new NXi version and some new features coming in that version.