Lack of Amount of Real Time Traffic (90% less than what's happening)

THKS. Wll check settings as per your advise. Good landings.

I also have a problem with live traffic. I seem to get one plane landing every 10 mins and no planes taking off. I was at Atlanta yesterday which had loads of takeoffs/landings on Flight Aware, but MSFS only showed one!

Actually the topic is about real time traffic, no friends/live players or AI selected.

Supposedly it should pull data from Flight Aware. If you punch in the airport within Flight Aware you’ll see the live traffic. However, you’ll notice it’s only a fraction of what is represented within the sim. One of the things touted before its release was real time weather and traffic which was an immense step forward since the older sims I had required a third party (which meant more dollars to shell out) in order to try to replicate this.

If you fly with nothing but live traffic selected as an option you’ll notice this. Oh sure, if I select all options available before the flight you’ll see all sorts of stuff - no problem there - but when flying in live traffic ONLY selected it’s a different story.

I’ll try just live traffic to see what is available this weekend.

Did you see my post above explaining why this is the case?

Yessir. Everything including on/off in DATA is set correctly. Seems for me to be a hit or miss situation. Most of the time traffic density is no where near what it should be, at least according to Flight Aware.

Now this morning KORD was pretty active looking at the live traffic report on sim map as compared to real world. Lots of tweaking yet to be done by devs along with matching gates and liveries as IRL. Ultimate Traffic did this fairly well way back when, but it wasn’t live either. Gate assignment was all screwed up as you’d see Delta sitting next to USAir, then a United jet next to that, etc.

But thanks for the heads up on the data

One thing to note is that flight aware (assuming it is similar to flightradar24) will show static planes on the ground that are not active and these are not shown in the sim. I was surprised myself how few active planes there are at any one time, and I do think this surprises people. I think that will mean that when live traffic is “fixed” e.g. less/no waiting time for live traffic to spawn, the traffic behaving correctly etc etc - we might all still be surprised at how few planes there are active at an airport.

As far as I am aware of as I don’t have a subscription and only use their free product, there is no option to see ground aircraft on Flightaware like you do on flightradar24, only aircraft in the air.

I have my settings correct for live traffic as above.

have just flown from Rome Fiume to Barcelona El Prat and seen no traffic nor heard any ATC instructions to other aircraft in two hours.

So far this Sim is disappointingly lacking in immersion for me. Relatively few aircraft at airports despite settings of 60-80 on the slider.

FlightAware doesn’t have much ground (airport traffic) which is why you don’t see much of it. About a year ago, they contacted me if I wanted to install a radio receiver near my airport. I looked into it but I would have to have a direct line of sight to the airport; which I do not. They would have supplied all the equipment.

If anyone is interested (have to fill out a form to see if you can qualify):

Or you can build your own:


Just to check (and sorry if you are already aware), but the sliders affect static ground traffic only, and not live traffic (so visual only and will not generate any ATC). Personally I have no issue with seeing lots of static ground traffic.

That’s not to suggest there isn’t an issue with seeing live traffic, but just wanted to check. For live traffic, sometimes switching it off and then back on again in the data section of the options helps.

Thanks for double checking and no problem at all I appreciate the reply. Yes understood already re sliders but haven’t tried the simple off/on trick. Will give this a go.

40 hours in now according to my profile and less than 10 flights completed due to various bugs and issues. Probably 50+ hours in addition trying to figure work arounds and trying fixes for things that I am neither qualified nor interested to tinker with.

Sadly it has started to drain my enthusiasm away. There is a limit to how much real life time I am prepared so sacrifice for a half finished game. Shame because I’ve been simming for several years, but this is just a victory of marketing hype over delivery. Only have to compare the animation on the loading screen to what you actually get to realise how far they over promised to get their hands on customers’ cash.

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have you ever considered the Covid virus impacting traffic?

I think kids should not be allowed on this site to insult each other get off!

Welcome to the best sim forum world and thank you for your first post in the hope that it will be a contribution to this FS2020 community.

As this is your first post, I find your comment very enlightening (note: have studied psychology).
You are of course entitled to your opinion. The forum rules are however enforced by forum admin and not by you, me, or other forum members. If you find a post violates the forum rules, you can report that to forum admin. I however am of the opinion that any forum member, regardless of age, sex, religion, race etc. has the right to make appropriate posts and be an equal forum member. I don’t use the term ‘kids’ in a derogatory way. They are like you and me customers with equal rights. There are other sim forums where that is not the case.
I hope you like my answer.
Happy flying with FS2020.

As an Enterprise Level user of flightaware + ADS-B data provider, I can confirm that the data in MSFS is not exactly real-time, nor should it be for many reasons. In fact, the websites of flightaware and flightradar24 themselves is showing data “xx seconds old” as well.

This delay in EXACT location is intentional.


enough already.

I am not your Dude. Texas does not rule this forum and you are not a forum administrator. So don’t tell me what to do or not to participate in this forum. Read the forum rules. If you do to like a post, you can simply ignore it and move on. Happy flying.


I think not! Just watch FlightRadar24 to know in real time every plane location, no needs Flight Simulator!