Is the LA scenery now showing the burnt bits? I doubt it, though am yet to check it for myself.
Similarly, I guess the total devastation of Gaza and Ukraine are not showing, though again I haven’t checked these areas out in the last few days, though I didn’t note anytthing recent when I flew over Ukraine a week or two ago.
I just looked, not in the sims, but directly at both Google and Bing maps. Bing doesn’t show any of the burn areas in Altadena (the Eaton Fire) it just looks normal.
Goggle maps does show the burned out areas but they blur it out for some reason.
I did a test a few years back with Bristol. I had the camera about a mile away looking over a bridge at the city itself. I toggled PG off, and on, and at that range the only difference I could discern was the buildings were slightly darker. The autogen scenery was actually pretty good.
Bing’s “latest” imagery is still 3-5 years outdated. My city on Bing was “updated” last year with imagery from 2021, while the previous imagery was from 2018… While Google updates their imagery once every 3 months
Fully depends on the region, my house is about 15 months old on Bing. You can find out, but it is not easy.
In a web browser, enter the URL below. The places in bold are parameters determined by you. The first parameter is the latitude and longitude of the location you are interested in; the 2nd parameter is the zoom level of the image (integer between 1 & 21); the 3rd parameter is your Bing Maps Key. Note that not all imagery is available at all zoom levels, so if you get an error, try a different zoom level. This method requires you have a Bing Maps key, but you can get one for free.
The status of the updates to the satellite images would be a good question for this week’s Dev Update. At one point a while back, it was said Bing data will be updated to 2023 data. Also, what is the target date for a WorldHub beta, as it is in a large part dependent on when the Bing sat imagery updates are complete, AFAIK. I hope someone will submit that question (I’ve already submitted the maximum of three questions allowed each person).
I’ve also seen what I think is some new autogen. There are what looks to be mobile homes on the southeast side of KMEM and although they appear to be autogen, they don’t look like the autogen we all know.
It appears to me that areas are getting updated little by little (aerials, PG and autogen). But I really would like to see more of the countryside TIN areas like west of Chicago and eastward almost to NYNY it looks like. (hard to tell from their graphic).
I hate how hard this thread was to find after it got moved.
100%…this topic shouldn’t even exist since a new “world” update to the sat data was supposed to be launched with 2024 with refreshed data, then backported down onto 2020. As far as I can tell, there isn’t a single spot on the world thats more updated in 2024 than it is in 2020, whether its 10 months old or 10 years old, thats one (of many) features/promises totally absent from 2024 at launch.
If thats happening piece by piece now, thats fine, I just want that clarity. I also want to know what determines what area gets updated and when. And why is some PG 5+ years older than even 2020 itself and are still in 2024, that means some are 10-15 years old by now. Bing maps has very good and recent PG looking at the 3D flyover there. Some of the choices and broken promises just baffle me to be completely honest.
Unfortunately not the case in areas I’ve checked - one in particular still contains images from circa 2018 (and it is 100% not photogrammetry), meaning it was old when the previous sim launched. Really disappointing to still see in MSFS 2024. Hopefully the “new world” we were told was coming is just sitting in the wings, waiting to be launched.
Edit: So some testing shows that (in this case, unfortunately) there’s a lot more photogrammetry present than I would have expected. MY go-to test area is my old high school, which was completely rebuilt in 2018/2019. I would not have expected photogrammetry in this area, but when I turn PG off and restart the sim, sure enough there’s the much-newer satellite data showing the relatively-new high school instead.
I would still prefer PG on overall, but this may be part of the issue for some people expecting new satellite data - it’s there, but being overwritten by old PG data instead.
From the adjacient scorched fields/ruined crops and scorched garden with certain items within and parked vehicles during the day, I can calculate the satellite scenery for me was, during the week we experienced a heatwave during July 2022 in the UK. I had booked that week off from work.