Latest "So called" Update has destroyed Local Variables *Repeated from 3rd party dev Thread

***** I AM Pleased to report that Update #6 has fixed all the outstanding issues reported below


I truly hope ASOBO and MSFS Read this post as It would appear that nobody in authority has yet noticed the complete and utter Mess the latest Update and subsequent Hotfix have made to the sim with regard to 3rd party Aircraft developers.

Iris, Carenado and ourselves (BBS) to name but three, Have had products on general release that have been working as expected and as advertised, for the last months. However the recent 1.10.7 / 1.10.8 Updates have simply destroyed them with seemingly a total disregard, rendering these products unsaleable and Un useable !

Lvars (Local Variables) VITAL To the operation and function of these aircraft have been totally messed up and scrambled with switches operating randomly and doors failing to open / close. Clickspots and mouseovers being swapped at will for unrelated events!

GUYS … I hope you are reading this … because believe it or not, as well as your customers requiring their add on liveries repaired and CTD’s fixing…
And although it is nice to have pretty new areas like Japan added into the basic package …
We developers Also require the fixing of these Issues, FUNDAMENTAL To the Production of Add on Content for YOUR SIMULATOR!

it doesn’t make any business sense to continue developing or releasing product that WILL NEED Rebuilding at every minor MSFS patch and the Ongoing Support required is a nightmare…

I don’t care how big or how small you are, a BBS, Aerosoft or a PMDG, it is totally Unsustainable to continue development of Add on product for MSFS 2020 KNOWING that We are going to have to issue Refunds very soon after release due to Failures and Bugs in YOUR CODE!



Agreed. I now also have an issue where the live reload (aircraft picker, then click load) doesn’t actually reload the scripts. It is literally useless now. If i change a thing in let’s say sound.xml, the change won’t be there when you live reload. The change won’t even be there when you reload the flight. YOU HAVE TO RESTART THE SIM NOW FOR EVERY CHANGE!


I think it will be very hard for msfs to improve the sim if they have to walk on egg shells incase a 3rd party addon breaks.

What may be better is to give the release in advance to 3PDS that are selling on the marketplace so they have time to make any corrections required.


Whether it is or isn’t is irrelevant. Breaking your ISVs without warning just isn’t done in this business. When you ship something that developers depend on for their own business, then you are as responsible for their business as you are for your own. One might argue that breaking free-ware developers isn’t a big deal, but anybody with software in the MS Marketplace is a business partner and breaking them is a very big deal. Asobo is playing in the big leagues now, and they need to step it up.


It’s too late now, but what would have been best is if they actually got the base sim up to a beta stage instead of an alpha/techo demo before they released it. Surprise surpise, everything is breaking as they try to fill in major holes in the feature set. This makes the devs who are just standing by mostly idle look super smart now. It’s a tiny, probably freeware effort, but I’ve even stopped working on my home airport scenery as I fully expect future updates to the SDK, scenery compiler, and the USA world update are going to completely break something in there.

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You seem to have missed the point … this is not about walking on egg shells.
Inevitably Mistakes will be made … Bugs will be introduced, its unavoidable.
However, its about ABOSO being Competent and professional enough to Fix those issues that are affecting existing 3rd party Packages (Which have been correctly built using ASOBO SDK in the good faith that they would not be moving the goal posts with every Update ! )

What Might be better … is a “listener” in the forum From within Asobo who can spot these Issues and report back to the powers that be so that a Fix can be prepared because right now I am unsure if they are even aware of it ?


Basically with the marketplace, Asobo is the first contact if something breaks since they are the ones selling these addons, right?
Would it be wrong to expect them to test updates to work with the officially marketed addons (since they announce them in their dev updates) and provide at least “known issues” with regards to third party addons sold in the marketplace or, even better, give third party devs a heads-up about changes or issues?

Right now it seems like they don’t even test impact on all of their own default aircraft, let alone third party addons from the marketplace to still work once an update is released.

I know they are not responsible for fixing third party addons (if the addon itself is faulty), but they provide the ecosystem and benefit heavily from it.

Where’s the best way for customers of third party addons bought via the marketplace to report issues? Zendesk?

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Honestly it’s just breathtaking. What is going on at Asobo?

Frankly, this product is not fit for purpose in its current state, should be refund for whoever wants it.


Try sending this post to and may be, as well as Zendesk and here

Also, both Aerosoft and PMDG said whenever there’s an issue, Asobo is a phone call away. I’m not sure if all developers have their phone number but you can try and ask them for it.

It’s an amazing world simulator. As a flight sim it’s got a long way to go.


Thank you for these contact addresses, I have just written to each of them explaining the issues in the Hope we can get them put right as soon as possible … Or at the very least, If they insist on moving goal posts they could tell us what we have to do to comply instead of leaving 3rd party Developers hanging !


Before MSFS 2020 release the developers said default aircraft will not be study-level (and explained the reasons for it…they don’t wanna step on third party’s foot, they don’t wanna kill their business etc etc…all valid points) and I’m absolutely fine that. Default aircraft will not be complex, will not be accurate etc. I’m fine with that. They want us to pay extra, top money for third party aircraft? Fine. i’ve done that in the past for Prepar3D and XP, and will do again for MSFS with pleasure.

You guys, you the third party devs, are our only hope for better, accurate and complex aircraft, simply because the MSFS devs said they are not gonna be making study level aircraft.

When I close my eyes and dream of having A2A, Milviz level of sophisticated aircraft, I’m thinking of you.

That’s why it is really very sad to hear that you claim that they are not co-operating with you as much as you would like them to. I’m not a developer so it’s impossible for me to verify the authenticity of your claims, but after seeing how Carenado’s planes got broken after this update, and how after each update FlyBywire’s aircraft gets broken, I feel I have sufficient evidence to believe you.

Things are not going very well in France and elsewhere these days, specially in Europe. Coronavirus situation has gotten out of hand and most European countries including UK are heading towards a full lockdown again, with all non-essential businesses being ordered to close. I have a suspicion that this could be one of the reasons why Asobo Studio, Microsoft and many other businesses are having to work from home and therefore struggling a bit with this project. It’s a difficult time for everyone.

I hope the developers contact you back in due time.


Hello- I wanted to make sure that you know that you are being heard. I hear that you’re frustrated and concerned. Thank you for highlighting this and wanted to let you know we are aware and working to resolve this. Really appreciate your patience, thank you.


To echo what @RoyalTot said, the team is aware and we are looking into it. This was part of our lengthy discussion when we were working hard to get the hotfix out to fix the CTD issue that released with update 5. We have been working and talking about this, and other issues all weekend. As soon as we have more information to share on this we will.

Trust when I say that nobody is more upset when issues arise with in our updates than the team. We strive to do the best we can for our community and understand when we miss the mark it impacts our community. We are having in-depth discussions the events of the past week and to do better.


Thanks Graham and Asobo. This is frustrating for everyone involved. Good luck to everyone, hope this gets resolved.

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The Carenado Mooney M20 was also affected - half the cockpit interaction is now broken and several buttons lead to CTD.

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it’s world simulator but not amazing. they need to fix lot of things to call it amazing unfortunately…


@Skeedorr & @Royaltot

I was beginning to think these issues had been missed/ ignored as they were not addressed in the Hotfix or mentioned in recent comments … I apologize for raising the dust and lashing out on this subject (Many emails , comments and bug reports) But the community needed answers and I couldn’t see any forthcoming

its a GREAT RELIEF To know that your discussing the problems and hopefully addressing them soon !

ASOBO Just went up one notch on my ladder LOL
I Hope you climb all the way

(On behalf of 3rd party frustration)


Why can’t Asobo release only beta’s for testing 1st, like other sims. Why are all these updates forced down our necks. With other Sim’s i don’t mess with beta’s unless it’s been proven safe via forum research. So that way guys and gals can choose when they want to update. That way it will cut down the broken 3rd party AC. I stopped even using this Sim / xbox game, untill this mess quits. I hope to support this platform and 3rd party developers again soon. But i feel that may be a long way off. Please consider betas 1st. Thsnks.


I agree, but then again, we all know that this “product” is in early beta and changes to the core are to be expected (it certainly feels like there are still a lot of core issues that will need redesign… Asobo has zero previous experience with flight simulation and with this market, meaning they are essentially new to the business). As a customer, I stay away from spending money on payware add-ons at this current state. As a dev, I would not release a product based on an unfinished / unstable platform that has so many issues.