Let's Talk About Your MSFS 2024 Log Book

MSFS 2024 is new. It has been out for 2 months. How many hours have you logged and how many miles have you covered?

I have had MSFS 2020 for 1 year and have done 100 hours. I have done 100 hours on MSFS 2024 in 2 months. It is that entertaing for me.

How many hours do you have? Post a screenshot of your log book.

MSFS2020 - First flight August 14th, 2021 - 3,184 flight hours to date
MSFS2024 - Installed on launch day - 0 hours to date


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Insane hours!!!

Yes, I spend quite a few hrs daily FF VFR with both sims. I’m partially disabled and retired, so my time with the sim is my daily go to therapy. I’m limited severely in the use of my legs. I use a simple RC type controller that lets me use rudder/brake without pedals. MSFS brings me sanity on my worse physical days if that makes any sense :grinning: Nov 12, 2020 started my addiction :smiley:


Why is the Logbook basackwards? I just finished getting my turbo prop certification “Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX” at 2:15PM Local time. When sorting by date and/or time, it is the TOP entry for the day at the bottom of the logbook and the time is ??? Flown in Switzerland LSZR.

The bottom entry was actually flown last night (2/2/2025) from 10:09PM local time to 12:16 AM. Theses times are Eastern Standard Time or local time to where I flew? I can’t tell.

FIX LOGBOOK such that the latest FLIGHT is at the TOP of the page. Top being the top/first entry when we first select Logbook. Currently, the current day is at the bottom of the page and EVERY TIME we view the logbook, we will have to scroll to the bottom of the page or Sort by Date.

All entries are in reverse order. When sorting by TODAY at the top, the first flight of the day (oldest flight) is at the top and the most recent flight is at the bottom of the list by day.

Opposite goes when TODAY is at the bottom of the logbook page. Oldest flight is the last entry for the day and the most recent flight is at the top of the day flown.

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