Anyone know how to fix this?
32GB Ram @ 3600
Anyone know how to fix this?
32GB Ram @ 3600
Did you take this at the start of a flight?
Fly a different plane for now? It seems this is caused by some UI avionics components predominantly on the 787 and the cj4 at least.
GA planes and the A320 so not seem to see this issue. Obviously it could be something entirely different. So what plane are you seeing this with?
More answers in here…
Experiencing it with the CJ4
Yup same here and many others. Avoid this or the 787 for now. Longitude might be better. Certainly a bug.
Choose a plane without a G1000, regular gauges only. Glass cockpit kills fps.
Not quite. I think there are a few not killing fps. (King air works well for me, a320 works, sr22 is fine, g1000 on the carenado 182t is fine)