Limited by coherentGTdraw

MSFS is by another team and another graphics engine, flight model, weather, and important for this topic the UI system.

What they did was extra difficult because they had to take ownership of ancient code written by another team and implement it in their graphics engine. That’s why it’s a mess.

They just released it too soon, probably under time pressure from MS.

Who is the TBM 950 developer? I’ve been hoping someone would create this for MSFS because it has the AutoThrottle which the stock TBM 930 does not.

Happy to see this issue still exists in January 2022, like is there something we can do to get some attention about this crucial issue. Like getting this some votes, don’t know

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If anyone still wonders … Yes, the problem still exists with an addon I have, SimEFB.

As soon as I open a “moving map” with a grabbed image, the game starts to stutter and I get the error Limited by Coherent GT UI thread.


Last time I had this issue closing vfr map, pausing, changing view ecc. did not work for me. Can we make this thread/issue votable?

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Thanks for this explaination. But why was this not testing by Asobo together with Coherent-labs?
I got a early Alpha-Access to the FS2020 and i was happy abot. I flew hours without any error like this FPS Drops after few minutes to hours, without sound stuttering etc . Since the “migration” from Asobo to get the sim running on xbox as well, i have trouble. It is not very professional to produce some errors and then they are not able to fix it soon… They´re not testing something before releasing it. This Sim was made for PC Player, later they implemented things, to get the Sim run on xbox as well. Now the Console Players do have a sim and PC Player have a Console Game which runs bad on PC. Congrats Asobo.

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Super that is the absolutly truth about this sim and very sad thing. I 1000 times agree with you
and actually Asobo cheated us PC PLAYERS because we bought a pc game in august 2020 and not a half finished xbox game.
I’ve had problems since update 5, fps stuttering, ctd’s, fps performance problems, live weather problems etc… since the update a mega terrible problem that nobody can explain. if i turn developer mode on and off the problem goes away for a short flight but if i want to start a flight again i have to do the same thing again.
At every airport no matter with or without add on (safe mod) i get a stuttering of the fps on taxi and runway and a white loading bar down right every 1-2 seconds.

it’s not getting any better, it’s getting worse and worse in this simulator, I’ve come to the point where I don’t buy anything anymore, I mean, why am I spending money on a faulty simulator.

I hope that xplane12 will do better and that we users, we hobby v-pilots who love simulations, will also get a simulator where we won’t be cheated and ripped off, at some point you lost trust with every update and it can’t be that I as a user have to be a scientist in the end to start the simulator as well. It cant be!!
I doubt that Asobo and Microsoft will try to give us more information in the future, that cooperation will be possible, i.e. with a hotline where you can call etc… We will see anyway thank you for the response here every loud voice is important!!


I had the same problem with NeoFly. After searching for, and deleting, every instance of simconnect on my computer, and then doing a full uninstall and reinstall of everything (on to a new, Non-OS NVME drive), things got better.

The moving map in NeoFly, however, does still occasionally cause the rhythmic stuttering (a spike every 7-10 seconds) when enabled.

It leads me to believe that most moving map software will have the same effect, due to its reliance on simconnect, and the CPU hits required to keep the map synced with the sim.

Hello after a year, I am experiencing the same exact issue on SU12. Specs are 2060super with ryzen 5 3600 and 32gb ram. Thought it was a memory leak at first. Anyone got an idea on a fix? PS. happens with an empty community folder as well