So why share it on FB? All it does is cause confusion, especially as it was posted yesterday. Unless it’s for the upcoming patch which would be nice
That is a repaint, as noted on the post.
This was done for a Super Viking pilot who owns one with diff paint scheme and interior colors.
Two questions:
- Is there any other place to buy the Bellanca apart from the Marketplace?
- does it have GTN750 support?
No and No.
New update seems to working quite nicely, glad that beacon is fixed amongst other things
Are there any chance to see your products outside the Marketplace?
I thought you were a nice team with simmarket
Would have loved a Bellanca. But that’s too much of a compromise.
Well I guess I can wait until the A2A Comanche comes out. Thx
Yep, no Marketplace purchases here either. Sorry.
Hi sir I did the update and now the airplane won’t climb I can’t gain any air speed and it crashes every time. What do I need to do? Please help I love this airplane. For instance, I take off rotate get about 75 kn clean the airplane up, and it just continues to descend, full throttle, light payload, It’s like the airplane is overweight and extremely draggy right after downloading the update it did get to 125 kn but then on final approach I wanted to do a go round and applied full throttle shows full power 30 inches 26 five on the Rpm and will not accelerate. Thank you.
Where’s your elevator trim set?
My first few flights I tried to raise the nose a bit approaching the traffic pattern and experienced similar problems. After I got much less aggressive with the trim, I found that I could maintain proper airspeed. The plane is extremely stable in most situations, but its response to elevator trim above the takeoff setting is very sensitive.
Yes, trim was correct. Even with a nose down attitude pretty aggressively it wouldn’t pick up their speed there’s something definitely wrong with the update.
I just took it around the pattern for a touch-and-go, low approach and full stop. No problems with any of the three.
Hello HingedCoin,
The Super Viking was moderately retuned for high realism in climbouts. It still does its top end speeds fine, but climbs are more realistic via input from some actual Viking pilots who spoke up about their climb performances. This particular turbocharged model with full loadout of people, at sealevel, fully fueled, will not climb like a rocket, but will climb perhaps at 1000 FPM or even 500 feet in instances of take-offs in locations like Flagstaff with an elevation around 7,000 feet. I tested it there for high altitude take-offs and it is possible with full loadout (max load, max fuel, 4 souls on board). Flagstaff in the summer has claimed many lives. People stop there for fuel, in the summer on a hot day, and take off without proper weight to weather calculations and crash, some losing their lives. That said, this brings some realism to the Super Viking where you will now have to figure out your loadout for your climbs and also calculate or consider your loadouts per your altitude location where you will be taking off from. This is a real world aviation factor and from all the peoples complaints, they were very against her climbout tune at launch, so I sought to capture the exact speeds with climbouts.
That said… There is a setting in MSFS that ‘helps you’ fly, and one person found out what it was, and the Viking suddenly flew perfect for him, and for the life of me, I cannot find his email where he actually found the setting that was effecting his plane. It was a system setting in MSFS, it was something like an Assistant setting, and it was causing him to crash, lowering his throttle, over-riding his trim. When he reset settings in the sim, his Viking flew as it should. About 5 people have reported this and I have been through it when I got MSFS updates. (I hate that assistant thing. It keeps turning on. Its like a ghost anomaly).
That all said (again) and to get back to climbout performances, when you are in a 50% stock Asobo loadout, 2 souls on board and 50% fuel in the tanks, the Super Viking should perform ‘slightly better’ then reality, with about 1100 FPM climbout, best climb, from an airport at about 1000 feet altitude (like Burbank KBUR or Montgomery KMYF. The Turbo Super Viking should do 1000 FPM climbout, 2 on board, 50% fuel. Full loadout, figure around 500 to 800 FPM climbout. And also consider heat conditions, etc.
I am trying to find a way to see how one can ‘add’ a modifyable Flight Tune to the package so people can do their own tuning to the plane. I have done this in the past with planes I would purchase. Some were too slow and were supposed to fly faster, etc, etc, so I would modify them. But in MSFS with in-store purchases, you are locked out. But there are ways to do addon mods to planes, so I am trying to find out how that is done, for flight performance modding, alternate sounds, engine tuning, etc. That way, you all could experiment and try out your own tunes and share the tunes with fellow pilots.
And back to the Vikings that are not flying right… Find that tune in the sim that tries to over-ride your plane. Try resetting your sim’s assistant settings. Something is over-riding your inputs into the plane.
One thing is for sure… Taking off in Flagstaff with full fuel, 4 male souls, max weight, is a test of your abilities…
- When you get airborn, stay level and build up your speed (like Spitfires), then begin your climb, very slowly. Keep your speed up and you can do it. 500 FPM best climb, if you do it right.
Remember, for you new pilots, this has a mixture control and no automatic flight mixture controls. So if you take off at a high altitude airport, make sure your mixture is adjusted to lean, or your plane will be powerless. I have forgotten about this a few times. A ‘duh’ moment. Same as when you are trying to get to speed and you realize your flaps and/or gear are still down, keeping your speed down. Embarrassing. I heard real world pilots do this every now and then.
So this is a turbo charged model and number two how can we make the stall characteristics for realistic flare art on landing is about 40 kn which is far too low with full configurations I did some stall testing, clean and then completely dirty and it just seems like the stall characteristics are extremely on the low side far is air speed. Can anybody chime in I love flying this airplane is want to try to get a little more realistic.
As it says in the manual and info on the sales page, yes, its a turbo. It had twin RayJay turbos and the HP totaled 300 HP.
What is your weight on landing for getting 40 knots at flare? Are you a single pilot and quarter tanks? She will handle much different with a lite load then fully laden. Try it with 4 passengers and full fuel and she will surely stall out at 60 knots over the deck and touch down. But when she is lite, she will be able to fly at lower speeds. Yes, 40 knots is pretty low, but I wonder what the load out is. She ‘was’ at 40 knots TD speed, but I raised it up through much tuning to bring up the ground effect stall speed. It should be near 60 knots. And again, you need to remember ‘fully laden’ design speeds and half load speeds/performance is ‘different’.
I hope that helps you out.
One Viking pilot was noting the other day that he had to retake a flight in his Viking because his plane was low on fuel and wouldnt stall, it just mushed down, like a Rutan Canard, a flat descent with no wing-overs. He didnt know they could do that.
Loads and speeds and altitude and temp is key.
I find the heading bug difficult to see especially in vr. Could it be made a brighter colour ? Otherwise a nice aircraft.
I did some flights with this plane in the last days. It is really very nice.
The textures are beautiful, sound is very nice and systems are very well modeled. Flying the plane is really a nice experience, it is a fast plane that behaves gently.
Thanks Lionheart for this very nice plane, I left a 5 star rating at the Marketplace to help.
A couple of things to notice:
- If the master battery is turned off with the plane now cold the instrument lights are still on. (should be a simple bug to fix).
- Love the Century III custom implementation, the vertical axis is a little buggy, sometimes it works fine but sometimes it is hard to adjust the rate of climb or descent with it.
- About that a bug I found is that when you engage pitch the plane levels out instead of keeping the current pitch, is it possible to fix it? It would make the AP use much much nicer.
I think it’s literally just a matter of creating an aircraft folder structure with the unencrypted versions of the files you’d like users to be able to modify (aircraft and flight model configs, etc.) and making sure to include the proper layout.json and manifest.json files.
If you check out the various mods by LordFrites for the F-35, F-15, Pelican, etc. you can see the file structure he uses to modify planes. The Pelican is probably a good example.
Really enjoying the Super Viking and it would be fun to see what the mod community could add if you release the settings files. Thanks for considering it!
Lovely little plane! Just a couple of questions and I apologize if they’ve been covered…
- Is there any indication that the glidescope has been captured when flying an ILS approach?
- Is the right seat the PIC seat or are they reversed? My dog is fairly smart, but I don’t think he’s instrument rated.