Thanks for collecting these bugs. Here’s one that popped up after the Update:
Went into my Company page to select a mission. When the ‘Hanger splash screen’ opened, my Cabri was bouncing around on its own in the hanger. I hit Start Mission and the ramp splash screen opened up with the Cabri still bouncing around on the ramp. Then I got a Mission failure helo Crash screen. Went back into my Company, and now I have no Cabri with a negative ballence on my Company spreadsheet.
Guess I need to fly more and get credits to purchase a new aircraft.
After last update my TBM still not working (cant sell etc), but also… my DA62 not working also, so now I have VIP charters company with two planes, without charter missions (on my own), and cant sell any of my planes
There’s no real issue with C172 and skydiving.
AP setup:
Set altitude to 10000 feet AGL.
Set speed to Vy. Once airborne activate AP HDG and FLC mode
Lean mixture as you climb to keep rpm at peak.
If there a thermals around, use it. If no thermals, then fly straight whenever possible to max climb rate
Ideally you get to the first marker just in time when reaching 10000feet AGL.
I set Flaps 10 when reducing speed for dropping to get it more stable
After the skydivers are gone. Reduce throttle to idle, set flaps 0. Turn to one side while applying full rudder in opposite direction. Now you either slip down to the ground (do not spin) or neutral rudder and acclerate to Vne.
Plan your decent flight path so that you don’t need throttle at least until short final. E.g. approach the final marker with Vne just above the ground. Carefully pull back to gain height (take care of the Gs) and reduce speed. Now you can set full flaps and land smooth on runway.
I should point out that the game says insurance is billed per flight hour for the last 24 hours. So if you didn’t fly during the last 24 hours, my math tells me that 0 flight hours multiplied by any price equals 0 credits. It is not supposed to bill you on your cumulative flight hours for all time every single day. That makes absolutely no sense.
What? That’s insane!
Yeah, it seems like it repeats what the previous day was as a baseline or until there is a different amount of hours billed.
So if you have a 100k insurance bill one day and don’t log in to fly, you will get charged that amount every day you don’t play the game. At least that’s what it did to me for the last 3 days.
I haven’t quite nailed the logic that it’s doing, but it’s not correct.
Is your aircraft maintained perfectly? I’ve noticed that even when purchasing a “good” aircraft, there are enough issues with it that it flies poorly and “fixing” it was the only solution. Worth a test. Make enough in another plane (if you can) to fix up all the issues on your “problem” plane. Then see if it flies better.
Yeah, this is an odd choice by Asobo. Any aircraft that has a BOTH option for fuel tank selection should default to that.
This has been fixed in a recent backend server patch. It will take two daily resets for it to fix. I confirmed this morning on my second that I was billed correctly so it does appear to be fixed now.
The second daily reset is tonight(saturday) so won’t be truly fixed until Sunday nights insurance bill
This may have been mentioned but if you’re in something like a C172 and the conditions are cold, then there’s a chance you’ll ice up, stall and crash. I just had one mission where I had no option but to request IFR and ATC sent me to 8000ft and denied my request for a lower altitude. Next minute the plane stalled, spun out and crashed. I noticed it was icing even at take-off. Should’ve just packed up then tbh. If they gave us an option to politely refuse the flight then at least that would be realistic. Make the VIPs check into a hotel 'til it warms up a bit, or they give me a different aircraft that has sonme kind of anti-icing.
You’ll certainly be landing hard at 200 feet per second
Same for me, no matter the plane (C172, C208). No skydivers in the plane. For Medical missions, no view of boarding and deplaning (in VR, not sure about 2D).
The 172 checklist says to set it to left/right as part of securing, so in at least some instances this behavior is correct…
I can’t remember which post I explained it on, but leaving it on BOTH allows the fuel to crossfeed when parked. If the right wing is left higher than the left and you have a certain fuel configuration (including during refueling) it can siphon to the left wing, where the fuel vent is, and spill overboard.
So when parked, LEFT or RIGHT is correct. During flight, you use BOTH unless it’s been feeding primarily from one or the other (this can happen) and is becoming unbalanced. Or maybe you had uneven fuel to begin with.
Where the sim messes up is that in a “ready to fly” or “ready to start” state - it should have been set to BOTH by that point.
Additionally, If you use the quick-ATC button (Enter by default) when on final sometimes your pilot will blurt out the wrong runway, even if you manually selected a runway in earlier comms. You are then doomed to either land normally and take the penalty or immediately go-around and line up for the runway they chose.
At this point I think you can manually select the runway again and override it. (Might need to make a new final call after choosing the runway.)
I only did this once so can’t say I’ve extensively tested it, but it did work that one time.
Has somenone figured out how the triggers work? For example in VIP missions it‘s totally different every flight if i get the option to announce cruise altitude and i just had the decend announcement option once. The taxi and takeoff ones appear in most cases. At the end the passenger satisfaction never is over 75% and i assume its because of the missing announcements. Also i realized in medium cargo missions the skip to decend option does not appear everytime, wich sometimes is a problem if you can’t finish your 3 hour flight due to real life.