List of bug avoidance measures for MSFS2024 Career Mode (So far)

It’s pretty minor compared to the other stuff posted here, but the character voices often don’t match the characters: i.e., a female co-pilot who sounds like James Earl Jones, or vice-versa. Female passengers often sound like they’re 10 years old, even if they look like they’re 60.

Also, a lot of the English dialog in SAR missions clearly wasn’t written by an English speaker, resulting in such gems as “Let’s keeping on pushing.” “He’s wearing orange hiking gears.” and, as you come in to land “We touch.”

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A new G2 is much cheaper than a used C 208b!

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Today in Career Mode I suddenly cannot control the C172 normally. I can fly it fine in free flight mode using all the same profile settings.

What happens: In Career Mode only, as soon as I use one of my keys that are bound to adjust trim of either elevator or ailerons, the cockpit viewpoint goes just nuts. I find myself sinking to the floor of the cockpit, and when I reset my viewpoint then I find the plane is totally on it’s side and heading for the ground. With extreme difficulty I can sometimes avoid a crash for a few minutes but the plane is just all over the sky and I have to give up.

All these crashes and my Career Mode is tanked.

Tried the high power endorsement test twice and no luck. Sim would not let me into the cockpit - view was stuck in external. Tried to run the flight in external view but found the plane was uncontrollable and crashed it.

If this happens, open your camera controls, click on External or drone, then Cockpit. You should regain control of your player character.

Seems like the camera will get stuck in Drone mode and when spawning a flight where you are outside of the aircraft, it will just freeze your player character.

Are you trying to say you can’t land a 208B at a seaside airstrip with a 43 knot crosswind off the mountain and turbulence befitting the Wizard of Oz tornado? Surely, this was just a skill issue. Alt+F4 the mission and try again. It’s only an hour of flight time before you get to try the landing again. I believe in you.

Haha, just kidding. I had a terrible experience with that same mission, if you can’t tell. Crashed the plane 16 times before slamming it down on the runway just gently enough to not be considered a crash. My rating tanked from mid-S to low D and I had to farm Flight Seeing missions for a whole day to undo the reputation damage. Here’s what I learned:

  • Go into your settings and turn OFF Live Weather completely. It’s currently bugged so bad it’s just not worth it in career mode. Doing this will give you standard temperature and pressure the world over, 2-5kt surface winds and a max of 10-15kt winds at altitude. It’s a tough pill to swallow because I really want the experience of flying in real conditions, but the game just has to be fixed first.
  • For frame rate issues, I have a 4070 and get around 40-50 FPS. Try using TAA instead of DLSS because the performance is no different and with TAA you can actually read a G1000. Make sure anything with a slider (like Object LOD) is set to 100. Make sure “Raytraced Shadows” is OFF. Most of my options are on “High” or less except for Off Screen Terrain Pre-Caching, which is Ultra.
  • Check the EFB before every mission and make sure the cruise altitude is no higher than 15 000 feet so you don’t fail due to hypoxia. Change the number to 1 000 feet LESS than what you actually want to fly, click “File Plan with ATC”, wait for the button to light back up, then click “Send Route to Avionics” to be sure the change sticks when you load the flight. That second step ONLY works for planes where Asobo’s EFB is visible by default and has a mount for it in the cockpit. For example, it doesn’t work for the Pilatus PC-12 or the Cirrus Vision Jet G2.
  • Once you have sent the plan to the Avionics in planes where it’s available, your GPS can now be programmed to the specially-named waypoints Aosobo created in the EFB. For example, you can use the MFD to “twist in” waypoints like “TRDP1”, “TRDP2”, etc. This is great for getting the GPS to actually align with Asobo’s floating brackets.
  • Autopilot freaking out with sim rate adjustment is a known issue among those who use it (not me, but no judgement) and the workaround is to avoid HDG mode, use NAV instead and be sure your flight plan is configured right, then set your cruise altitude to 1000 feet higher than what you want to cruise at, but set the Vertical Speed to 0.
  • To farm your rep back up to S, if you care, do Flight Seeing missions in a C172, use the “Skip to whatever phase” every chance you get, UNLESS the mission preview shows a straight in approach to landing. For those, skip every phase except the descent because it will place you very high and fast over the runway and you’ll have to go around. Smooth circles in the air and smooth landings will get you S ratings every time, but from D to S is still a bit of a grind.

Credit where due:
Tip for using autopilot + sim rate in the Caravan, PC-12, PC-24 and others - Discussion Hub / Activities, Career & Challenges - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

FS2024 Graphics Settings and Performance Guide (11/20/2024) - User Support Hub / Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


Just like other cloud-based sims that track your progress by the second, they should adjust your reputation status and reimburse the amount of credits you lose when the sim makes it look like the user made mistakes in missions when the user reports the problems that were actually made by the sim.

The sim penalizes you for taxiing, take off, or landing outside of the runway when operating on a grass strip. Well the problem with that is that in MSFS 2024 there are no boundary markers for the taxiways or runways.

Sometimes ATC sends instructions and there is no way that you can respond by hitting “Enter” because that is not an option to select, or you hit “Enter” and nothing happens. But the sim penalizes you for that.

ATC can also send multiple instructions, hit “Enter”, and you get penalized for not responding to the other instruction because you can only respond to one instruction at one time.

Unrealistic turbulence only upon landing making landing impossible. So unrealistic that the crosswind is out of 270 degrees that the plane wants to fly into the crosswind (270) until you touch down and then the crosswind if all of a sudden pushing and rolling the airplane in the opposite direction every single attempt. So you always crash.

PC-12 and PC-24 autothrottle’s have a horrible time holding a constant speed in cruise, so you can easily overspeed and you get penalized.

If you begin to set flaps incrementally during approach and landing based on what the speed tape states, you can still get penalized for setting flaps while going too fast.

King Air C90 autopilot does not work in career mode after manually entering the flight plan. You have to manually enter the flight plan because when you click on “Send to Avionics” on the EFB it does not send the flight plan to the C90’s flight computer.

Just a few examples…

I think the trick with turning off Live Weather seems to not work anymore. Just did three flights with it turned off and no more clear skies or calm winds for me. Yesterday it worked with Live Weather turned off.

Anyone else seeing that?


I contacted the official support people at Microsoft regarding what I posted here (see just 2 posts above) and they gave no attempt at even a solution. Instead, they said:

"With the money you have left, you can access new certifications and unlock new areas and activities, and there are plenty of jobs to pick up and bail out from that unfortunate position. Having a good reputation will boost your income.

Instead, if you’d rather start over you can always reset your career."

How helpful and what wonderful support, don’t you think? Unreal…

What they also said is that our Career information is on their cloud, but that they cannot access it in order to fix something.


Found out what’s causing my issue. I think this one could be very interesting for everyone who wants to have any weather they like instead of live weather or just clear skies.

Yesterday I installed “Floyds Epic Clouds” small presets pack for 2024. And the first preset is now used if I uncheck live weather in the options. I wasn’t quite sure if that was the problem, so I edited the first preset in his pack and put snow in it. And sure enough Africa is now covered in snow :rofl:

So I deleted his pack and everything is clear once again.

So if you like to fly in another weather preset except clear, you should make your own and be sure that it is the next one after Live in the free flight wether options for presets.

Will make a new thread for that because I think this is very interesting!



Description of the issue:
In Career mode - when taxiing to hold short, sometimes the path goes through restricted area, like the runway. If you follow the path you make a mistake and you reputation decrease.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?


~1 per 10 missions


I did’t log the mission/airport concerned.


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What’s unrealistic is that you would even attempt to land in a cross wind that is higher than what the plane is rated for. The wind being fast is not unrealistic.



the fact that we have a thread of ways to make this work like having to taxi around a runway in the grass so that the sim doesn’t ding us is mind-boggling. I mean, yeah, lets do it if it’s going to work, but my goodness. Another pint!

Just last night I landed with a 30kt crosswind at 1,500 feet with a runway elevation of only 48 feet in a Cessna 408. Seemed like quite a strong crosswind to be landing in. I’d bet that crosswind would give an airline pilot a moment of pause.

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Description of the issue:
While landing on missions, the blue box for exiting the runway is quite close to the landing threshold, which makes it necessary to turn around on the runway, rather than using the next available turn off.
In narrow runways, I will be either penalised for exiting the next taxiway, or turning around where the simulator thinks I have exited the run way, but I am only trying to turn around and the opposite end of the runway.

The blue box for exiting the runway, and asking for clearance should be made dependent where the aircraft comes to a near stop and the availabilty of the next available taxi way.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Usually during missons, landing on narrower runwats


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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Agreed. Looking at the EFB I have no way of checking for restricted airspace, so I am always surprised if I get a penalty.

As a workaround I always stop in the holding point for the runway to be crossed and then you can ask ATC for takeoff clearance. Then you get a takeoff clarence and proceed with taxi to the runway you suppose to takeoff, still with the taxi ribbon, then just stop at the holding point of the RW for fs24 to not penaltize for entering the runway unnoticed, but not asking for the clearance because you already have it and this option is unavailable, get onto runway and take off. No penalty for crossing runway. You just need to open the ATC window, manually tune the Tower and ask for takeoff clearance. The ATC actually allows this in holding point for any runway not only the one you’ve assigned for takeoff.

Yeah, I learned to dread the nuclear power stations in France due to this. In Switzerland there is no issue, but it seems in France they are all restricted. In one mission in France I was penalized three times.

What really ticks me with the career mode is that there is barely ever any METAR in the EFB of the airports. It is impossible to have an idea if the flight/mission is possible with the planned plane. Not to mention that you have no idea of the altimeter settings. Workaround is to check the weather outside the sim on, but since the EFB is meant as a one-stop solution, this needs to be fixed, imho.