Here are links to some Input/Controls questions:
About binding Accessibility to Input/Controls:
(main point highlighted - link for context)
[…] if accessibility is as important as Jorg is saying in the Q&As, can you please also consider supporting mouse wheel to change any UI slider? Because honestly try grabbing a small dot on a slider in VR and you’ll immediately see there is an accessibility problem even for people without any particular disability preventing them to use the mouse precisely.
I believe every “assistance” feature should also have a command/event you can bind to a controller, for 2 reasons at least:
You do have a disability requiring you to using those aids for enjoying the simulator fully, and sometimes, these disabilities are rendering the complex task of opening the options menu, moving the mouse, selecting an option, pressing accept, closing the window very difficult. For this reason, not having any binding between a setting and a controller (keyboard, joystick, specialized hardware) defeats the purpose of offering some of these accessibility settings.
You do use those accessibility aids only as augmented reality features, anytime the constraints of the monitor resolution or the lack of situation awareness call for using additional assistance. When you do, it is usually only temporary and in this case not having any binding to controller in order to toggle such settings only when needed makes it either useless, or cumbersome.
While on the subject, I believe FS2020 accessibility settings shall also have their own in-game popup menu, alongside Weather, ATC and Map, so that you can have fast and easy access, but also can quickly glance which ones are active.