agree, but please make him stop talking that much ! He´s stealing time for so many other important questions
Just kidding, he´s doing good
Man! You really went all in here . Great effort
. I’m learning new things every day here
I think the IVAO/VATSIM question wasnt understood.
The ask was to see the multiplayer names for other networks rather than only LIVE. I can see the names of live players but as soon as I connect to VATSIM the planes are added but the LABEL is not there. Its rather simple.
Right – it seems simple enough, but even after all this time, it has not been addressed, or even considered to be an issue.
I was totally amazed at the look of puzzlement on Asobo’s faces, and the statement that this was the 1st they had heard of this…
The 1st time I went on Vatsim with MSFS, it was so obvious.
Other sims can see Vatsim Plane labels, its only MSFS that can’t
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