Live Q & A via Twitch

Stop trying to explain what I know/don’t know. It has been posted numerous times that lightning has substantially increased, whether there’s a storm or not. This isn’t just a couple of us griping. It was clearly brought up in the twitch chat by several, too


I only watched the QA for 10 min and lost interest. Very vague answers like “we’re working on it”, “we’re investigating”, " we need more examples" etc. No specific questions/answers about bugs that have been very obvious for some time now. They should better prepare these QA’s. Set up like 10 specific questions and send these to the team a couple of days before a session so they can formulate decent informative answers.


Thank you. I’m not asking for others to say me too but the lightning issue is absolutely there since a patch or two. I don’t understand why this is becoming a “no it’s not” issue. Several have posted it and discussed it.


100% agree. I think Jayne tried every way she should to get clarification on some of the bigger issues. Jorg provided a lot of clarification, in my opinion. Can’t say the others did.

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Just a quick note to those of you pointing to feedback on the forums. Please keep filing detailed bug reports on Zendesk as well. Detailed bug reports are instrumental in finding, documenting and resolving bugs.

While the forums provide a fantastic platform for users to discuss and compare data on bugs, Zendesk is still the official channel for reporting detailed bug reports.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator forums see thousands of posts a day. According to the admin panel, our current reporting period shows a range of daily posts of ~2,000 to 6,000+ so you can imagine it is easy to miss things.


What, you mean like politicians? Oh wait…

Sure that is one area of AI Traffic. The topic of AI traffic also talks about logic/behavior of AI Traffic i.e. landings, taxis, dense traffic on few airport but lack of traffic on many, etc.

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Made a zendesk report on a CTD of a fixed location in Germany. Explained what happened … even made a screenshot on the location … guide to location etc etc etc … to me 45 mins to complete.

After a few days … closed with a DEFAULT answer about vfr map ( not the issues ) and downloading issues and how 1.9.5 solved a lot of bugs … the zendesk ticket WAS about 1.9.5

So i am not sure how zendesk tickets solve things this way !!


Yes, you are correct. Covid has disturbed aviation. That is not what is being asked. Its more of a understanding whats Asobo workplan to improve current AI logic. People can wait as long as a plan is defined from Asobo side. I don’t think that is too much to ask.

I would be okay with AI traffic that is offline, no liveries or actual models. I want the behavior of landings to be improved.

You should listen to what he said. You’ll realise it makes sense.


Zendesk is being used as a customer-facing UI to allow people to report bugs, it is not being used to track bugs internally. Submitted tickets are reviewed and then moved to an internal QA tracking tool, often in batches.

The generic status ‘solved’ does not mean an issue has been solved, but that it has been moved to the internal QA tool which is where we want it to be. Once issues are moved over to the internal tool, they can be assigned, triaged and so on.


I don’t want to sound rude but 3 days ago I’ve posted this:

for those wondering why Asobo is taking so much time with bug fixes, you have to realize they are receiving a lot of Zendesk and this takes time just triaging. In looking at my last 2 reports (68719 Oct 16 14:32 and 70848 Oct 25 14:15) you can deduce they have received 2129 request during this time. If they were treating all of them over the 5 working days in this time span, there are about 426 request per day to read, analyse, answer or dispatch!! If they’re working 8h a day, this is nearly 1 request per minute… This should put some of these numbers in perspective.

If there are between 2000 and 6000 posts a day in the forum and you suggest Zendesk will make things better, I believe at nearly 500 Zendesk a day they need better triage too…

In addition about the efficiency of Zendesk:

What would you then suggest be better than forum and Zendesk when there is actually a reproduceable and measurable bug for it to be actually analyzed and worked on?


Nothing again about terrible antialiasing

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They mentioned it in passing. They said they haven’t been able to reproduce the issue for now.

They were talking about a caching issue on the servers and a fix they implemented for the live weather. Any idea when we should see the improvement ? Sorry for the question, maybe I missed this in the Q&A. I don’t think they mentioned a timeframe though

Night lightning: Light lamp bulb will show now on airliner level, sepia mask was triggering too much early on altitude, sepia mask was intend only to be on much very higher altitude at original plan, that will make difference.

There is still some off light sepia mask on desert, they are looking to improve later as well, but should be much better result now then before.



This is what I was trying to say, maybe not so eloquently, about the CEO’s response to LOD issues and the lightning issues. It’s as if he has no clue what we’re talking about which is a bit worrisome.

Even give us a “this isn’t on our list, sorry” versus a “we have never seen that issue so just continue to give us examples.”

Agreed. Excited to hear that one.

HI @CptLucky8.

While I haven’t read your post (mentioned above), I have seen other posts talking about the number of tickets a day. I think it’s fair to say they are getting lots of bug reports, which is a good thing. As a player who wants to see bugs fixed, I hope most of them are high-quality

I haven’t had time to watch the Q and A yet, so I am unable to respond to this quote other. As a generic statement: Even when a bug is a ‘known issue’, the cause may not be known. So bug reports that contain logs, screenshots, recordings, and high-quality description of the issue/steps to reproduce are always valuable, this goes for both MSFS and non-MSFS related software.

There have been some threads recently that I could really get behind. I don’t have time to find them as I have to go out, but the general gist of it is an in-game reporting tool that has the ability to automatically send in diagnostic data when bug reports are submitted that include information like the user’s location, airframe, aircraft state, sim state, pc system data etc.

You should be able to find threads on that in #self-service:wishlist if you want to upvote them. iirc one of the topics was ‘help us help you’.

As for Zendesk vs Forums for bug reporting. While I don’t necessarily believe Zendesk is the optimal bug reporting tool, it is better than a forum category in many ways:

  1. Tickets are ordered based on pre-defined priorities and/or a first-in first-served basis. Whereas forums are usually based on the last reply

  2. Tickets tend to be between an agent(s) and one customer, so important information is less likely to be lost in a flood of less useful discussions and/or off-topic discussions - Of cause, this one goes both ways, the loss of discussion can lead to a loss of important information

  3. Tickets provide a better way to send more sensitive data privately than public discussion boards

  4. Tickets can be assigned to individual agents, or groups of agents based on a verity of factors

Your post didn’t come across as rude at all :slight_smile:


Technically the freeware would too, they just “get away with it” all the time. Those designs and liveries could be copyrighted works, and making something freeware doesn’t bypass that usually. It’s entirely up to the manufacturer or airliner about whether or not to pursue enforcement of their copyright, but if enough freeware developers irk them for some reason, they certainly could. Microsoft necessarily has to go through these hurdles because of their massive size, exposure, and value.