Live Weather Does Not Match

Here’s a post I made from the PMDG Weather Radar discussion in relation to weather.

Just watched the portion. Nothing earth shattering or new info. They can’t do anything until Asobo does anything and Asobo can’t do anything until they have their talks with MB, which if my hunch is correct, within the next few days or before the end of the month, there should be some announcement about that. Moving forward, it did sound like Randazzo confirmed or hinted or maybe just the way he worded it that Asobo is either working on or has plans to create their own weather engine. This confirms what I gathered from the last Q and A back in December. Their talk about having a slider to manipulate the turbulence levels told me they were already working on something. MB just gives the data. Asobo can do whatever they want with it on the sim end of things. So there’s your answer. We’ll probably see a weather engine from Asobo with WXR tailored to use MB data following shortly after.

I hope so. I occasionally get old FSX era videos pop up in my YT feed, and it shows quite a stark difference between the two products, where MSFS has far less cloud variety then such an old sim.

I think the volumetric clouds has some limitations. Those older sims used textures. Those textures may have looked more real. But after some time they felt static and boring. Thats why we used addons that changed those cloud-texures to get a different look of the sky. But those clouds were same form every time we were flying. And thats the limitation of static textures of clouds.

This sim has volumetric clouds and needs to behave like real clouds to look and feel realistic. Can’t set those static. They need to be formed over time depending on weather-condition. That will create various cloud types automatically without set them in stone.


My understanding is that it is very difficult to create accurate looking cirrus clouds using volumetric techniques. Both MSFS and the new volumetric cloud system in XP12 have the same problem in that area.

To get realistic-looking cirrus or cirrocumulus Asobo would probably have to develop a hybrid cloud system where high clouds come from textures rather than being created using volumetric algorithms.


To me that is moving back in time. Better to make it possible to create realistic looking cirrus with volumetric. I can wait for that.

I keep hoping they will do more with the so called fog discs. If they can put them at higher altitudes and make them thinner (altitude wise) then they would fit perfectly near the tops of thunderheads. If they could make them long and thin like cigars and then put them in rows like waves then you’d probably have half decent cirrus or altocumulus depending upon design. Standing alone they would be good stratus clouds.

Same issue. Live weather seems to work at some airports and doesn’t work at others. KSEA is my home base and Live Weather has stopped working for about a week now. METAR is correct but the displayed weather is Clear without any clouds. I’ve had to use REX Weatherforce to display live weather but it does have it’s own FPS issues.

[quote=“xWimma, post:2789, topic:135263, full:true”]
What I find weird is that MSFS is indeed aware of the METAR, it is just not displaying it correctly. So it nothing to do with missing data, but rather with the sim being too incompetent (bad programming?) to convert the data.

Asobo really need to sort the weather out especially the rough transitions


Who would’ve guessed… after 3 hours we back to clear skies ■■■.

This is likely this issue, do vote there is you are experiencing that specific issue.

Thanks, posted and voted :+1:

tf do you mean with me being impatient :joy:. Calm your pants down mate! Do you think I expected it to be fixed within the two days of me contributing to this thread? Jeez man, chill out.

I’ve been in the fsim community for like 10 years now; and trust when I say that I do know what patience means when it comes to flightsim… Take a look at my previous post. There you can see that I elaborated on the MB data which is indeed correct in the sim; it is just not inserted correctly, so I still highly doubt that this is solely a MB issue… If it wasn’t the sims fault, and it would insert every metar it gets correctly, the metar would be a NCD metar. So pls, before insulting ppl try to calm down a bit. I am a flightsim enthusiast that looks forward to what the sim will evolve into in the future, yet it is still my right to criticise things I, and many others, do not like and point out issues!. If you go to a restaurant and you don’t like the food you also don’t expect the chef to tell you to go and cook your own food, do you?

Stay on-topic of reporting a bug. If you have nothing further to report, stay out of the topic.


After a longer period of mostly convincing Live weather depiction today was a bit disappointing:
EDDH in the sim:

EDDH seen from a webcam in the vicinity (airport is straight ahead):

While not totally unreasonable considering the actual METAR report at that time (EDDH 191050Z AUTO 21013KT 9999 BKN010 03/01 Q1000 TEMPO BKN007) , it lacks in terms of overall cloud coverage and visibility.

I think further improvements could be made by always using the weather model with the best resolution for a given area, as the ICON model for instance has it more accurate for Germany than NEMS (alledgedly used in MSFS):

ICON (couldn’t get MB website to display the 12:00 picture):


And regarding the visibilty I am under the impression that the available data is not implemented at all, as even the NEMS data show visibilty in the 10 to 15 km range in the area:

Instead, the sim showed unlimited visibility:

So the blending process of the “9999” value in the METAR should consider the surrounding visibilty data from the forecast model - ideally the one with the best possible resolution for any given area.


A couple of days ago, landing at KJWN (John C Tune, Nashville TN USA), I had a 99 knot headwind! METAR at that time showed 8 knots gusting to 12. Is there something seriously wrong with “live” weather, or was that a simulation of wind shear? Either way, landing in a 99 knot headwind with an approach speed of 85 didn’t go well at all. THANKS for your comments!!

There’s a bug that causes extreme winds that quite a few people have experienced recently. I would be interested to see what the atmospheric airflow visualization looks like when that bug hits. With that said, the live wind data is only the starting point of the atmospheric airflow simulation. The wind particles can dynamically speed up and slow down depending on the environment and state of the simulation. So the wind will often not match METAR or Meteoblue for that reason.

Here’s an example. The wind is manually set to 8 knots with no gusts, but the airflow simulation is creating gusts upwards of 20 knots as a result of the environment:


The weather for my flight from KSWF to KSYR in New York the other day was really bad. One minute it was 9 degrees Fahrenheit with a strong headwind/crosswind that made my ground speed some 30 knots slower than my IAS but then suddenly it was 24 degrees and the pressure changed and my altimeter showed me 400 feet lower and I had gained a tailwind and then a few moments later I was back into the 9 degrees with headwind situation. I just turned it off and chose a weather theme.
Is it going to be fixed this year?? sometime?? ever??

Go back and read previous posts about possible upcoming changes specifically to weather. Starting point will be the last Q and A from December.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: No live weather at all (February 2023)

My Live Weather is still not working!!!
I reinstalled my Microsoft Flight Simulator from scratch
I updated my Microsoft Flight Simulator with all current updates.

I have searched for airports currently experiencing extreme bad weather around the world and each one I set as departure in my Microsoft Flight Simulator it always displays beautiful sunny weather.

This is unbelievable!!