Live Weather Does Not Match

I agree, and I don’t want it to be a 1:1 replica of the conditions outside my window, but I want it to be reasonable.
And those smokevanes, that were far more dominant directly after SU7, are the main disturbance for me. If they figure out how to get rid of them, I’m fine.

Oh wait: I’d for sure like to have ALL those features of the weather promo video - all cloud types, aerosols, multilayered cloudscapes…


Yeah, I’m with ya there. I think those were cinematics limited to a boundary. “Boxes” of allowed dynamics that were animated fairly well and continued to do so until the next injection. We were doing an around the world flight in Xcubs at the time and often ran into the boundaries where weather would suddenly disappear, reset, etc. We flew the entire periphery of Africa and ran into a lot of discrepancies.

I’d like to think they’re hammering some of this out by integrating multiple data sources. It certainly seems more contiguous and consistent in between airports, but we do have the METAR holes (discrepancy between forecast and actual observation), which we’ve discussed to death.


Live weather will never match conditions until Thunderstorms and thundershowers are shown in game. This makes live weather completely BROKEN. It needs to be repeated until the developers fix it.

Not even seeing 1 flash of lighting when every METAR in the area indicated lighting is completely wrong.

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I think the more data sources in use the worse it gets. Maybe more accurate but much less seamless experience.

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It only seemed seamless prior because it was allowed to run a bounded animation for a fairly long duration. I actually found a ton of the seams and constantly pointed them out on my streams. We’d say “oops, we just got Asoboed.”

Actually integrating sources should, in theory, create seamlessness, but there’s obviously a lot of work left to tackle and truth be told, it’s fairly impossible due to lack of timely data in a lot of places.

It is definitely more accurate than it was, but we still deal with temporal (and rendering/volumetric) discrepancies.

Well, a thing i know for sure. How much they even try we will never get a 100% accurate atmosphere. But i would like an atmosphere that feels like an atmosphere. And the pre su7 atmosphere felt more like an atmosphere than it does now. I know it had seams every 12 hours. Now it has seams every 6 hours + the METAR updates. Add that they also changed the global look of clouds to fit those METAR injections. That they stated before su7 were released.

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It wasn’t just temporal seams, it was spatial as well. Weather would get to the edge of the bound and just disappear. Or you’d fly into the next (or hit the new injection timing) and weather would start appearing (and not necessarily in a convincing way). Yes, it was animated so it looked like it was running a simulation, but it was just boxes of conditions. I’ve got a ton of old videos that I’ve gone back and reviewed and while yes, the animation was smoother and somewhat convincing within a smaller geographic area, the accuracy (even the appearance) left a lot to be desired.

Edit to say it’s still doing all of this to an extent, but it seems to have more temporospatial fidelity and the rendering/animation is certainly different.

Well that is what i missing right now. It doesn’t feel like a simulation anymore. It feels fixed.

I think we can argue endless about this :slight_smile:

You want accurate atmosphere and i want believable. But when they implemented the new system they had only accuracy in their minds because they had only those opinions before this new system.

The thing that causes this discussion is that there is only complains on the forum. Where can we vote on features we like?

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Sort of. I want both. Accuracy, to me, imparts believability. I understand the limitations that prevent it from being accurate enough (especially in large portions of the world where scant data exist) to another observer. But I’ve trained in this, experienced it, have an extensive background and education in it, so when I see an inaccuracy to the extent they were prior to the evolution of updates, I can’t unsee it, and it leads to more noticing and picking apart inaccuracies, which ends up being a complete immersion killer. It’s kind of like someone said upthread, when you know what to look for and/or expect, from an aviation weather standpoint, the illusion falls apart.

In the prior versions, if a person was flying within a small geographic area or looking at it from FL350 while doing 500 knots, it’s not as easy to notice. But do long enough cross-countries in a slow and low enough aircraft, and all of a sudden you really start to see these things. At least that’s been my experience.

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I were flying both in high and low altitudes and i found the weather less accurate after su7. Those sudden transitions, metar bubbles and the generic looking weather breaks the imersion for me in all altitudes.


There was, about 15 mins ago as I went through, a rather interesting hurricane eye over Plymouth ( UK ). I know the weather’s not great down here atm, but it’s not that bad, lol. Winds are about right still.

I don’t know what’s changed, but the live weather looks incredible for me today. I hope it stays that way!


Airport below my left wing reports:

LFRQ 231430Z AUTO 21021G36KT 8000 RA FEW008/// BKN014/// OVC024/// ///TCU 11/10 Q1000 TEMPO 2500 RA BKN004 SCT015CB

I think it does a really nice job of showing TCU and CB clouds

Long may it continue!


I am also seeing some improvements, clouds density looks higher (more realist) and I am seeing more layers displayed where before most of the time I was seeing just 1 layer. I think we still need more cloud variety but overall weather looks more realistic. METAR integration looks better too. I also would like to know what changes they’ve made and where: on MSFS side or injected MB data or both ?


Yes, i agree, The weather has improved for me as well. As @utd4life12 says hope it stays like this now and only getting better. I also want more variety. And i hope they improve the fog that injects from METAR soon too. Doesn’t fit the rest of the weather.


Well it was good whilst it lasted, most places look apocalyptic again sadly


Yes. It’s the inconsistency that is so frustrating. This bug is still happening to me although I can’t pin it down to any specific time or metar update for example. Seems totally random, all of a sudden the beautiful cloud layers vanish before my eyes and we are back to the usual mess of towering CBs and puffy cumulus. Weather like pre su7 before 8 AM UK time, photos and videos provided!2 - #242 by AndyXPO


Looks fantastic now.

I found a few areas that were 30-60 minutes off, but overall, this is amazing. Comparisons with live wx cams.

Wx 1a


Belfast in real life

In the sim looks as bad as ever


I do not think its that bad … coverage is about the same also.

It is impossible to have everything 100% the same and I think your expectations may be a little on the high side :grimacing: