Live Weather Does Not Match

I encountered Thunderstorms with sound during blue Sky weather.

Happens randomly :man_facepalming:


I have same issue. SIM is only loading live weather at very first flight. Even after Patch 1.9.3.

Its great to hear expert insights, thank you for posting your thoughts. From the Meteoblue ‘feature series’ video, their representative went into detail about the predictive algorithms they use and so it should be such a GFS system as you mentioned. And to correlate global weather to the detail described in that MB video, then parse it into this product globally, it wouldn’t be surprising if it were at least several hours from actual ‘realtime’ given that such ‘realtime’ global weather modelling is a bit unrealistic expectation for this sort of product.


Calling it “Live Weather” would be a bit of a stretch then, wouldn’t it?!

Just checked with the latest patch:
KPIE 010753Z AUTO 04007KT 10SM OVC034 22/16 A3000

In sim: clear skies and A29.92…

Try find other topics about this.

Some user reporting workaround (I’ll do this now as test) that prior start flight set with Preset clear weather and after start flight set Live weather. Maybe prior go to Main menu again set clear weather, set new flight, have clear weather, start new flight and set then live weather workied for him :smiley: This is that BUG what I reported already at first days of sim and still they can’t solve that :smiley: looks like they can’t solve some basic things…

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I’ve had relative success with Live Weather near EGNM where I live, not this morning though.

In sim its overcast, light rain with occasional lightning. Out my window its a beautiful crisp October day without a cloud in the sky! To think I paid £119 for this…


It’s getting ridiculous for me as well. Tried LSZB and the weather in the sim is not even close to reality. The sim gives me 29.94 and 1/8 clouds WITH LIGHTNING!? WTF??

Reality is 29.74 and 6/8 (and no thunderstorms, ofc).

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It’s totally broken, even more as before!

When was end of summer time and thunderstorms every day, no lightninig and now when temperatures about 15 deg C thunderstorms with lightninig :slight_smile: joke…


I respectfully agree with you

No other great joke as this:

I agree 100% with @GMWatbot here. Other points to consider but that I’ve not seen addressed but are critical to understanding how we want live weather to operate include:

  • What should happen to the weather when the incoming data changes - a smooth transition (and therefore by definition not exactly matching all inputs at all times) or a sudden immersion breaking change as the new data refreshes into the sim?
  • There will also be time delays - it isn’t reasonable to expect the sim weather to be up to the minute with the real weather - so what is an acceptable delay?
  • What should happen to the weather on a save/reload? It was live at the time, but what about now on reload maybe months later? How do I recreate all that data? How do I integrate with today’s live weather?
  • What about if I change the sim time - am I just sticking to the live weather even though the in game time has changed? How does that work for temperatures which are obviously colder at night and other meteorological stuff that I’m sure changes with day/night cycle that I don’t understand
  • Multiplayer…what do we want to have happen here if some people are on live weather, some not etc?

There will be more questions, but until someone has actually thought these through and reached a view on how they will be dealt with, then just saying the live weather isn’t accurate isn’t at all helpful. There needs to be much more thought put into this.

I’m going to guess that Asobo have already put that though in and live weather is now working in line with their expectations. As I’ve said elsewhere it would be helpful if they shared those expectations and then we would all know what live weather actuially means in the sim - not what we each might think or want live weather to be in the sim.


OK, I think you are going against your own earlier comment of people calmly stating their opinion. Bit dramatic?

I agree with you, but I didn’t want to be dramatic–I just tried to reflect my reaction seeing almost clear skies and lightning strikes around me… :smiley:

Uhm, I’m confused: You do realise (ofc you do :wink: ) that the game has been released already? The “thinking it through” should’ve been done by Asobo a long time ago. :slight_smile:

Your items (and others discussed in this one and in other threads) must have been discussed at a very early stage of development. It’s what the weather engine is basically based on. And I think that’s exactly what they described in their partnership series with MeteoBlue:

  • Inject the latest data available
  • Extrapolate the change of the key parameters (or variables, respectively) based on the MeteoBlue forecast model
  • Update the sim when new data is available and consider a smooth transition towards the RW data
  • Rinse and repeat

This is of course a very simplistic description of the process, but since I’m not the one who praised their great “Live Weather” in the first place, I shouldn’t be the one fixing their weather engine. :wink:

No other feeling as another tactic, Asobo injected some users (maybe virtual names managed by one real person) defend here very special topics :slight_smile: I think we can’t help to each others. Marketing and other feelings are first required then problems of users, especially best to say to that Account and OC HW problems. If I saw that Support make updates to users PC, somewhere also BIOS update??? I can imagine that chaos. I’ll never put my HW to remotely be managed by some ‘specialists’ as they are…

Yet another example: Went to KBCE, got clear skies (as it should’ve been–not sure, though, whether that’s a false positive, but anyway…) but the altimeter was 30.24 and 30.49 in reality. Should I consider such a discrepancy “acceptable”…?

Calling it a day, still no sign of Live Weather, at least in my game. Glad to know that they called the weather “essential” for the game in yesterday’s Q&A session…

Flying KSFO to KHAF today 10a. Metar winds calm, few 900, overcast 4,600, altimeter 29.98.
MSFS home sceen 116@0kts, clear. MSFS ready to fly screen 5.26kts@176, clear. ATIS non-functional at KSFO and KHAF. Weather did not match real weather (defined as METAR weather). Also why does MSFS display wind and direction using the 1’s digits? And then reverse the order and display wind speed first and wind direction second using tenths and one hundredths digits? Real world weather is wind direction first and then wind speed both to nearest 10’s.

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This. And so many more questions.

Looking forward to the Cross the Pond event, with controllers trying to separate pilots using P3D and XP with their matching winds aloft from pilots in MSFS using “something”… :smiley:

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Finally saw rain. Could be something changed server-side… Weather is great now except for excessive lightning.

Please keep in mind that just because you’re seeing rain doesn’t necessarily mean that the weather matches RW conditions. Do temperature, wind, ceiling and pressure match reasonably well…?